Highschool AU - part 3

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It had been 6 months since Kit had stumbled through the door and into Ty's arms. Over the course of the 6 months he'd gotten closer with the people here. Emma Carstairs was great with a sword and her parents had been killed when she was 12. Kit definitely did NOT want to get on her bad side. Julian was Ty's older brother, and Emma's best friend. Also didn't want to get in his bad side. He pulled the small family together at this institute, kept everyone going if anything happened. Jules was what kept everything ticking. Mark was a little weird but that might be because he'd spent a while away somewhere else. He had a boyfriend named Kieran Kingson and a girlfriend named Cristina Rosales but things were a bit complicated with that.... anyway, there was Helen, Marks full sibling and Ty's half sibling.  She had a wife named Aline which was pretty cool. The first time they introduced themselves as married females, Kit had felt everyone that was in the room watching him carefully, looking for any sign he was going to be a dick. But Kit had just smiled politely and said that they were a cute couple. Then there was Dru, who was now his horror movie dealer. He'd gotten her hooked on this horror game and she'd been trying to beat it ever since. Tavvy was the youngest Blackthorn, he was still pretty cool though. He often tried to include Kit in stuff and it warmed his heart. Then you had Diana Wrayburn, the head of the orphanage. She was the nicest woman he'd ever met and he couldn't help but instantly like her. There was a rumour going around that her and Gwyn, the cleaner guy, were becoming a thing. Ty, Livvy and him had grown a lot closer too. Especially him and Ty...

"What are you thinking about?" A voice asked, cutting through his thoughts.

Kit looked over at Ty who was sitting beside him, a Sherlock Holmes book in his lap. They were in the school library, there was a corner that was always in there which he'd shown to Ty three weeks ago and they'd been hanging here for lunch ever since.

"Just how much everything has changed," he replied, shifting so he was facing Ty.

"I wonder where Livvy is...." Ty mumbled out loud, glancing around.

"She's probably hanging out with the that Cameron guy, it's obvious that he likes her," Kit suggested.

"Very likely Watson," Ty said.

Kit blushed slightly and then dropped a watermelon on his head mentally. Ty and him were JUST friends. Nothing more. Even if he wanted it to be. But he really needed to stop making it obvious that he liked Tiberius.

"Are you ever going to read the Sherlock Holmes books?" Ty asked him.

Ty had questioned him about this once before when Kit had first seen Ty reading Sherlock Holmes.

"I don't know, maybe. Are you ever going to watch the TV show? Or the movies?" Kit answered.

"I wanted to watch it with you," Ty stated.

"Oh," Kit mumbled surprised and happy at the same time. "Well, we can watch it later when we get home then."

Ty nodded and went back to reading his book. Kit watched as Ty's black hair fell into his mesmerising grey eyes, causing Ty to get a slightly frustrated look on his face. He glared at the hair and Kit reached out without thinking and moved the hair back into place. Ty looked over at him surprised before smiling slightly.

"Thanks Kit," he said.

"Anytime," Kit replied, already feeling his cheeks heat up from what he'd done.

"Kit," Ty started. "Can I touch your hair? It looks so soft."

Kits eyes widened for a second before he nodded unable to find his voice. Ty stretched his hand out and ran it through Kits hair. Kit closed his eyes and relaxed under the touch. After a while, he felt Ty's knees bump his. Kits eyes opened. He hadn't realised how close he'd gotten. Ty tugged at his hair slightly, causing Kit to make a startled sound.

"Sorry," Ty mumbled, pulling his hand back.

Kit caught Ty's wrist. "It's fine. I was just surprised."

Ty smiled slightly but pulled his wrist free carefully. "Ok."

Ty grabbed his book and stood. "Come on, let's go to class, the bells going to ring soon and we have Geography."

Kit nodded and stood. "Let's go then."


I wasn't going to end it like that but I needed to update so yeah.

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