Highschool AU

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(Holy shit it's been over a month. I'm sorry but I've had a lot of shit going on lately with school and then a lot of family stuff. I still have a few exams and assignments left. Imma try and post more. Ik I say that like every time but I do try to every time, I just fail 😂😂)

[btw it's gonna be like highschools in Australia cause Idfk what they are like where Ty and Kit liveee]

Ty walked into the classroom NB05 where his new form class was. Him and Livvy had transferred to a new high school after a fight had broken out between Livvy and someone for the fifth time, getting her expelled. He quickly introduced himself before sitting next to a blonde called Kit Herondale.

"Hi, it's Tiberius right?" The boy asked, obviously not realising that Ty didn't want to talk.

"Yes, although most people call me Ty," he replied glancing at Kit. He had nice blue eyes, not like Alec Lightwoods, but a nice sky blue. They would have been easy to get lost in if one were to make eye contact, which Ty did not do often. It made him uncomfortable and he always felt vulnerable; he didn't even do it for Livvy.

"Well it's nice to meet you Ty," Kit said and smiled slightly at him.

Ty looked away quickly and mumbled "its nice to meet you to Kit."


Kit stumbled slightly and stood up straight, glancing around to see if anyone had seen him trip over the stray stick. He mentally face palmed at his clumsiness when he noticed the new boy, Ty, looking at him from a nearby table, his eyes sparkling with amusement. Kit smiled as if nothing happened and walked over to Ty.

"How are you liking it here so far?" Kit asked as he flopped down on the opposite bench of the table.

Ty fumbled with his headphones as he pulled them off from around his neck as he replied. "It's not that bad here. My twin sister Livvy just went to the bathroom and she'll be back soon," he shrugged, "as long as she's here it feels like I belong almost."

Kits brows furrowed. "Why wouldn't you belong?" He asked.

Ty looked at him. "I'm autistic, people usually don't include me in things because of it. It's actually the reason why Livvy and I came to this school. Livvy got in to the fifth fight she'd been in this semester and got expelled."

"I would not want to get on your sisters bad side," Kit stated. "What's it like having a sibling?" he asked curious.

"I actually have six siblings. Three brothers, three sisters. There's Livvy, who's my twin and I do almost everything with. Then there's Helen who's the oldest. She's married to Aline Penhallow-"

"Oh I know her!" Kit exclaimed excitedly. "She's Jia Penhallow, the leader of that place where you learn to fight! I've always wanted to go there but my dad forbade it."

"No comments on how they're both girls?" Ty asked slightly surprised.

Kit snorted. What did Ty think he was? A homophobic piece of garbage?

"Tiberius, I'm pansexual, I'm not going to discriminate against your sister and her wife."

Ty's eyes widened in shock for a second before a small smile crept onto onto his face. "As I was saying then, Helen's married to Aline and they only just recently moved back from this place called Wrangle Island where they went for university. Helen and Mark, one of my brothers, are both actually my half siblings. Their mother was from a different country, very fancy apparently, and my dad met her on a trading trip. Mark's also just recently moved back. He'd gone away for a year and a half to travel the world. He met Kieran Kingson, who's now his boyfriend, along the way. Then there's Julian. He's my full brother and kind of takes care of us all. That's because my parents died in the tourist attack five years ago. Jules took on their responsibilities because Mark and Helen had other things to do. There's Emma, who's not my sister, but she basically is. I think there's something between her and Jules, but I'm not sure. Dru's the second youngest and she's obsessed with horror movies. Then there's Tavvy who is the youngest and wants to be just like Jules. Diana Wrayburn, the head of the orphanage that we live at, is also really nice and there's this guy that Livvy's been trying to set her up with named Gwyn. There's also Cristina Rosales who's a volunteer. There is definitely something going on between her, Mark and Kieran," Ty rambled, barely stopping to take a breather.

Kit sat still for a second letting everything sink in. "I'm sorry about your parents, but your siblings and their lovers or friends sound cool."

"I don't get why people say they're sorry when something bad happens that they weren't apart off. Livvy said it's just polite but why?" Ty asked increasingly confused.

"I guess people say it to show sympathy? Or to say that they think you're strong for getting through the grief and that they're sorry you had to experience it?" Kit shrugged.

Ty nodded slightly less confused.

"What about your family?" Ty asked resting his chin on his hand.

Kit looked at him surprised before composing himself. Not many people here cared how his life was.

"It's just my dad and I," Kit replied. "My dad tells me about my mum sometimes, but I have a feeling that it's all lies, just like everything else he says."

"Your father lies to you?"

Kit nodded, "all the time."

"Tha-," Ty began to say but a brunette with sea green-blue eyes came skipping up to them and started gossiping to Ty.

Kit watched as the corner of Ty's mouth lifted into a smile and he whispered something to Livvy. She suddenly looked over at Kit.

"I've heard about you from some of the girls here!" Livvy stated. "They called you the slightly-less-hot-But-still-hot Herondale."

Kit rolled his eyes. "Cmon dude! I'm way hotter than Will and Jace."

Ty laughed lightly and Kit saw the flash of surprise cross Livvy's face before she hid it away.

"I wouldn't know, I've never seen either of them," Livvy shrugged.

Kits phone went off and he stood up. "I have to go," he said looking down at the message he'd received.

Kit Herondale,
Please go down to the front office, there's important information about your dad.


Next chapter will come one day. Y'all should know what's about to happen next. I didn't proofread so if you find any errors, please point them out. And suggestions for one shotes, comment them please.

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