Fuck titles

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It's been a while.

But I'm here with some random shit.

This is either one-shot ideas that I have or random things I started to write but didn't finish and have got no clue where it was going.

So yeah, enjoy I guess.

(I wrote this a month ago and forgot to post it 😬 I'm sorry)

1. Idk what this is but I think it was a study AU. Got no clue where I was going with it.

Ty ran his hand threw his hair, sighing in frustration. Kit had meant to come over and help him study for the Geography exam but he was three hours late and probably not coming. He was worried for Kit but also annoyed that he hadn't kept his promise.

2. This one actually confuses me A LOT cause I have got no idea what this was even about 🤷‍♀️. Maybe a coming out AU?

Kit yawned as he sat down at the table and rubbed his eyes.

"Didn't sleep well?" Tessa asked from where she sat across from him.

Kit sighed and nodded. He hadn't slept well at all.

3. Magic potion shop AU where Kit owns the magic potion shop as he built a name for himself after his father died as a trustworthy person. Ty on the other hand is new to town and has an affinity with plants and animals so he's a vet and just likes plants. They slowly fall in love as Ty frequently needs potions for his work. I think it'd be cool okay? It'd just take more effort than a one-shot cause it'd probably be a bit longer than the usual ones I write 😂.

4. All For The Game AU. So Kit is in place of Neil and Ty is Andrew in a way but he's less violent and drugged and rude of course (Ty would actually fit better as Neil and Kit as Andrew personality wise but yep) he just protects his family though. So Livvy is Aaron, Dru is Nicky, Emma is Dan, Julian is Matt, Mark is Kevin, Helen is Allison, Aline is Renee, Cameron is Katelyn, Magnus is Abby, Alec is Wymack, Catarina is Bee.
See what I'm getting at here?
Zara is Riko and Horus is Tetsuji. Malcolm Fade can be Kengo.
I just can't figure out who Seth would be. But Helen would be in Allison's place so I dunno. Throw in Diego just cause that's the only person I can think of?
Also, Tavvy can be Robin. Thea is Cristina, some random amazing guy can be Kieran. Erik would be Ash/whoever the fuck Dru ends up with.
Dunno about Jean and Jeremy tho.
Anyway, that'd be cool.

5. PJO AU. Do I have to say anything else?

6. Flower shop/necromancy AU. Basically, Kit is a necromancer who is new to town and opened up a magic flower shop. Ty goes to check the place out to make sure no harm is going to come to his family but realised he finds kit interesting and decides to keep visiting cause why not.

7. Neighbour AUs. You can do so many.

8. Tattoo shop AU. I shouldn't need to explain.

9. Coffee shop AU. Also shouldn't need to explain 😂

10. Fake dating/college friends AU.

11. Mermaid AU

12. Harry Potter AU, just add the gay.

13. Kit gets turned into a cat by an annoying stranger and seeks help. Ty just so happens to be the only one that notices something is unusual and tries to help.

14. Photographer/artist AU

15. Assassin AU

16. Ghost AU

17. One of them dies, oh no, AU

18. Murderer and cop AU

19. Band AU

20. Coming out AUs for both of them.

21. Them adopting a cat. (Give me cat names. Stupid Pun ones preferably)

22. Fish AU of where Kit accidentally kills a friends fish and has to get an identical one. Ty just happens to work at the pet store.

23. UNDERCOVER cop or assassin AU.

24. High school friends and decided to go on a trip after graduation. Road trip AU where there is only one bed in the gods dam hotel.

25. Dancer AU

26. Music AU

27. Pirate AU

28. Royal AU

29. Devil/demon AU

30. Guardian Angel AU

31. Babysitting AU? Except it's a catsitter.

32. Book store AU.

33. Pastry AU

34. Queer Eye AU

35. Model AU.

36. Author/writer AU

37. Magnus chase AU?

38. The Kane Chronicles AU 🤷‍♀️

39. Doctor/patient AU

There's probably more but take these for now. Might write them, might not. Gimme any suggestions if you want to. Also, y'all should read All For The Game if you haven't, it's my favourite book series. I couldn't be bothered explains most of these 😂😂. Also, tell me if you want to see any of these writtennn and I'll tryyyy.

Edit: I really shouldn't have named this "fuck tittles" cause now whenever I see it I always accidentally read it as fuck titties. I'm too gay for this shit.

Kitty one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now