Our Favourite Herondale

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Kit yawned as he placed the omelet's on the table, giving one to Mina and one to himself.

"Eat up Min-Min," he said sleepily, giving his little sister a lop-sided grin.

Mina giggled at the nick name before she started eating.

"Where's mummy and daddy?" She asked with a mouthful of food.

"Don't talk with your mouthful," he scolded before answering. "Mum and Dad are with a friend of theirs, they'll be back soon."

"You said that yesterday," she whined.

Kit sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Truth be told, he was slightly worried. Jem and Tessa had been gone for 4 days now and they hadn't called yet. Tessa always called him before he went to bed to check up on Mina when she wasn't home.

"I know Mina, but it's true. We'll see them again soon. For now, how about we go watch a movie?"

Mina nodded excitedly and pushed her empty plate away and jumped off her chair, running towards the movie room. Kit smiled fondly after her and placed the dishes in the sink, planning on cleaning up later. He followed Mina into the movie room and snatched the remote from her as he sat down beside her. Mina tried to grab the remote back but Kit held it out of her reach and scrolled through the movie options. He spotted an Avengers movie and sadly scrolled past it and clicked on one of Mina's favourites; G-Force. He never got why his sister liked it so much, it was just a movie about spy guiny-pigs saving the world from their mole friend. Mina squealed with happiness when the movie started through, which made Kit feel like watching this dumb movie for the hundredth time was maybe worth it.

So this was from my book thingy but I'm putting it here so yep. The last three chapters have been. Um this isnt finished cause when I was writing I never finished this 😬 sorry. If people want me to, I may try to continue this? But Idk. At the moment I probably won't. Also I don't think I've ever proofread this 😂.

Kitty one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now