Reunions - Part 2

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Kit took a sharp intake of breath; he hadn't been in LA since Magnus and Alec's wedding. They were in an alleyway, just out of sight of the mundane's.

"I probably should have told you that we were coming here," Jem stated.

"Yeah, you probably should have," Kit replied sharply. Jem mumbled something that sounded like Herondale's and started walking. Kit quickly followed him, trying to ignore all the memories that were crashing over him like a wave. Memories of his farther, Emma, Kieran, Aline and all of the Blackthorns. Especially Ty.

"So, what do we know?" Kit asked, breaking the awkward silence.

"Well," Jem said, "they're asking about the LA Institute and the First Heir. Which means they are most likely after you. I think that they want to use you as leverage against both courts this time."

Kit grunted and then fell silent. He had this eerie feeling that he was being followed. Kit glanced behind him and saw them; two figures. He couldn't see who it was, but it was obvious that one was a male and the other was a female. The male looked a bit older than the female. It was also clear that they were both shadowhunters. This honestly didn't surprise Kit; ever since the fall of Alicante, shadowhunters were everywhere. He just hoped they weren't Blackthorns. He nudged Jem in the shoulder and whispered, "I believe we have become the hunted."

Jem glanced over his shoulder at the two shadowhunters and sighed.

"I cant see who it is," he mumbled back. "We'll have to loose them though."

"Follow me," Kit replied. He turned into an alleyway, Jem not far behind and pulled a dagger from his belt.

"What are you doing?" Jem hissed.

"We can't shake them, they're shadowhunters," he hissed back. "Trust me."

The boy was first to round the corner and Kit acted fast: he pinned the mystery guy up against the hard, brick wall and held the dagger to his throat. The guy made a surprised noise and he knew without turning that Jem had the girl at sword point. The boy had the blackest hair Kit had ever seen and he just wanted to run his fingers through it. Kit's gaze focused on the boys eyes and his heart retched. He'd know those stunning grey eyes anywhere. How ironic, Kit thought, that he was the one holding the knife to Tiberius Blackthorn's throat this time.


Ty and Dru were out tracking some faeries together when Ty spotted the two mysterious figures. It wasn't clear whether they were females or males as the huge, thick, coats hid all of their features. Ty elbowed Dru in the ribs and pointed towards the figures before she could say anything. The sides of her mouth quirked up when she spotted the figures. She looked back at him and nodded. Ty and Dru followed the figures and it soon became clear they knew they were being followed as they picked up the pace and suddenly turned into an alleyway. Ty held his hand out in front of Dru. I'll go first he mouthed. Dru rolled her eyes but let Ty go first.

When Ty rounded the corner, he was pushed up against a wall. He let out a surprised gasp as he felt cold metal on his throat. Dru was held at sword point by the other figure. Ty looked up at the person in front of him, and realised it was a guy. He was absolutely beautiful. He saw the boys eyes widen in surprise and a flash of recognition went through Ty. Blues eyes and blond hair. This wasn't any guy; this was Christopher Herondale.

Ty watched as Kit lowered the dagger which was held to his throat.

"Ty?" Kit asked surprised.

His voice is deeper. (And sexier. Ty just wont say it cause it's Ty.)

"Kit," Ty replied.

Kit looked over his shoulder at Dru and the figure who Ty realised was Jem.


Kit lowered the dagger away from Ty's throat.

"Ty?" Kit asked surprised. It wasn't unlikely to run into him as he was in LA but it was still unexpected.

"Kit," Ty replied.

Kit looked over his shoulder at Jem and saw Dru. He quickly stepped away from Ty and put his dagger away. (Btw it was the Herondale dagger Jace gave Kit.) He lowered his hood and Dru just stared.

"You have grown," she thought aloud. "And gotten a lot hotter." She winked at Ty who blushed.

"Thanks Dru," Kit said while laughing.

"You've grown too," he added. "You look a lot like her."

Dru blushed and muttered a thank you. Kit's gaze shifted to Ty who looked slightly uncomfortable and hot as hell. Ty had also grown; he looked like Julian but then again he didn't at all. He looked like Ty. Just older. And more beautiful. Kit looked away.

"What now?" Kit asked Jem.

"We continue looking. Pull your hood back up. Tiberius, Drusilla, it was nice to see you again," Jem replied.

"Wait!" Ty called out. He blushed when everyone looked at him and said "we might be able to help you."

"Well, it's very obvious you're shadowhunters and we're hunting faeries. There may be no cold peace anymore but we need to know why they're asking about the first heir and the LA Institute, so they would flee at the sight of you. I thought you'd know that Sherlock," Kit replied while smiling. Ty blushed again when Kit called him Sherlock.

Ty looks extremely cute when he blushes Kit thought.

"We're hunting the same people," Ty replied. "Plus, Watson, their asking about the LA Institute where Dru and I live."

Kit groaned and beckoned them to follow, blushing slightly from Ty calling him Watson.

Sorry that this one is late! I had English homework and uhhhhhhhh. I hate school. Any way sorry that it's so short BYE!

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