Reunions 2.2 part 3

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Time for everyone else to find out 🙃!

It had been 1 year and 8 months since Kit and Ty had started dating. Kit had moved back to the Institute, but visited Devon a lot. He had to admit, he missed Tessa, Jem and Mina, but it was nice to be able to hang out with Ty whenever he wanted. Kit was currently laying in bed, snuggling Ty.

"We should tell the rest of my family," Ty said out of the blue.

Kit raised his head from where it was resting over Ty's heart and smiled at him.

"If you want to, we can. We just have to figure out when and how," Kit replied.

Ty kissed the top of his head and suggested "how about tonight at dinner? We can just say that we have something to tell them and that we're dating."

Kit laid his head back down on Ty's chest over his heart and smiled, listening to the steady beat of Ty's heart.

"Sure Tiberius," he said.


Kit and Ty walked down to dinner, hand in hand. When they entered the kitchen, Julian looked up, and upon seeing their hands clasped together, smirked and cleared his throat.

"Christopher, Tiberius, have something to tell the family?" Julian said causing everyone to stop speaking and look towards Ty and him. Kit felt his face heat up and glanced at Ty, who was also blushing.

"We um do have something to tell you all," Kit stuttered nervously. He shot another glance at Ty who now looked calm and collected. Ok, how?

"Kit and I are dating," Ty said, holding up their joined hands. There was a minute of silence before Dru squealed and ran towards them, hugging Ty than Kit. After that, the room exploded with noise. Kit felt Ty tense and tightly squeezed his hand, feeling him relax a bit.

"How long has it been now?" Julian asked loudly, making everyone stop talking and listen intently.

"Um, a year and eight months I'm pretty sure," Kit replied scratching the back of his neck.

"WHAT?!" multiple people yelled at once and the room was once again filled with noise.

"Is this why you moved back?" He heard Dru say and mumbled a yes in reply. This time it was Emma that squealed and finally came forth and hugged them. He heard her whispering something to Ty before she turned to Kit.

"Hurt him and I'll feed you to my fish," Emma threatened. The idea of ever hurting Ty made him sick.

"You don't have fish," Kit pointed out. "Also fish don't eat humans." Emma just smiled sweetly. By the angel, Kit hated when Emma smiled like that.

"Well, I'm going to buy some. I'm going to buy goldfish and feed them blood until they require a taste for human flesh," she said. Kit just nodded, slightly intimidated.

"Wait!" Dru said before turning to Julian. "You knew that they were dating!" Kit was 100% positive that he was blushing again.

"I walked in on them kissing. Ty was on top of Kit, they were both shirtless and my mind is now forever scared," Julian replied. Ty mumbled something that sounded like "they don't need the details" and started playing with the Herondale ring on Kits finger.

"So Ty's the top," Emma said wriggling her eyebrows. Ty instantly tensed, blushing while Kit glared at Emma and drew circles with his thumb on the back of Ty's hand. Emma at least had the decency to look sorry.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Mark questioned, trying to break the awkward atmosphere.

"We wanted to make sure that it wouldn't fail," Ty mumbled, only slightly more relaxed. Kit slipped his hand out of Ty's and put it on his lower back, rubbing his thumb in circular motions. Ty fell into the embrace, no longer tense. He smiled slightly down at Kit, who returned it. Julian cleared his throat again. Kit looked over to see Emma, Dru, Cristina, Helen, Aline and even Mark on the verge of fangirling, which only succeeded in making Kit blush again.

"We don't want dinner to go cold, do we?" Julian said, gesturing at the table while Kit shot him a thankful look.

"You two are cute together," Aline said once they were seated. Kit shot her a smile before lifting a spoon full of soup to his mouth.

"I'm glad it was you that Tiberius fell in love with Kit," Helen said from beside him, making him his cheeks go red (AGAIN).

"Thanks Helen, I'm glad it was me too," Kit muttered back before continuing to eat.

Part way through dinner, Ty's hand found Kit's, but no one needed to know that.

It's been a while since I updated BUT IM BACK YA POTATO'S!!! Anyway sorry to a certain person who I promised I would update yesterday but didn't, I got my phone taken off of me for being antisocial on Mothers' Day. Hope y'all liked and BYEE!

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