Rade's POV

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I don't own DBZ, only my characters. ____________________________________

I stood just outside my lord's chamber door listening in to the conversion of Nano and his host. What a fool that man can be.

" He just had to keep his ' promise ' to the father of that brat. " I clinched my fists tighter, turned on my heels away from the metallic door. It could of been a hell of a lot easier if he just killed it! But Nano was always one to play cat and mouse. A dark chuckle rumbled deep within my chest.

Amazing what people will do for the coast of their lives... and loved ones. The thought of love makes me sick, to lay your life for someone else who will forget you! Its weak.

I made a sharp right as I ventured down to the lower bridge, shooting glares at passing low classed  soldiers. Who scurried off to any jobs they had to a attend to.

It wasn't before I made it my destination, I solider stood guard in front two large iron doors that let prisoner holding cells. I strode up expecting access.

" Hold up, name? " the creature ordered.  ' How cute a newbie. ' I thought

" I demand access. " not wanting to be held up.

" Name. " he pressed on.

" RADE. " I growled impatiently.

" Can I see some form of I.D."  I swear I'm about to pop a blood vessel, I reached out and grabbed hold of his thick neck and raised him so he was a lest a few feet on the ground. He was grabbed at my arm hoping that I would let him go.

" Lesson one. " I sneered as I tighten my grip on his air way, " I don't take orders from you low class, you take orders from me. I'm elite Rade of sector 1 new right hand ' man ' of Nano. YOU GOT THAT! "  He nodded, wide eyed. " Good." I let him fall to floor at my feet where scum like him belong.

The guard quickly got to his feet, made a hasty bow and opened to doors.

" Now was that so hard. " I mocked in a sickly sweet voice.

We kept our war prisoners, slaves and woman down here. A slight chill went down my spine at the thought. I was ounce here long ago, but I had strength, I could fight ... I could kill. I got myself out of this Kami forsaken Hell.

' But not just by yourself. ' the voice in the back of my head nagged at me. I growled to keep myself in line, spooking one female slave near me.

I briskly made my way to the end of the hallway to meet a 'special friend '. I halted in front of a massive iron door. To the right of the frame a DNA scanner was placed so only Nano and I can see the prisoner.

The scanner came to life as it sensed a life form near it. ' State identification. ' It replied in a monotone robotic voice.

" Rade." I stated hastily.

' Identifying... Identifying..." Rade " not found. State identification. ' It replied in the same annoying tone. I cursed under my breath, it wanted my real name.

I took a breath and realised slowly. " Riadzia."

The name felt foreign on my taung yet some how, a long time ago, I was that name.

' Accepted.... Identified " Riadzia "... Enter.'  the scanner mocked or that's what I felt it did.

I stepped into the dark,dank cell. Before me a woman of her late thirdy's sat chained in kai restraints, her head was bowed with her black hair tangled and looking like a complete rats nest, not even noticing my presence.

" Well! " I barked. Kami I was having the worst respect today.

" Well... " the woman replied a soft, fierce tone, still not acknowledging me. " What brings you to my warm home. "

" You knew about the brat didn't you."

" Maybe so or maybe not. " the woman locked eyes with mine, they seem to have a glow to them almost golden in color. I betrayed those eyes, now they stared right though me allowing sight of my sins. I was a loss of words.

The woman was the first to break contact as she zoned out, starring blankly at a wall.

" Can you do it?.. How can you?.... But she shares our blood. Why would you do something so terrible...Because you'er following orders! " the woman growled to no one in particular has her harden features soften. " You have a choice... " She then locked eyes with  me again, " Everyone does."

I felt a quick stab of pain in my heart, " Tura. "

Tura smiled warmly. " Yes baby sister."

I frowned at this,' How is it she is still loving to me. Must be that 'Son' trait I heard about from grandfather.  ' I thought.

" Tura, you know I can't change and you know what I have to do."

Tura's smile slipped off her face, " I understand that. But I don't think you can kill your sisters' only child." I put on my best poker face, there was a lot of things Tura doesn't know about what I can do.

" Riadzia can you do something for me, " Tura spoke softly, " tell my daughter I'm sorry and that I love her. Oh and also Riadzia no matter what you have done you're still my little sister." Tura had tears running down her face and her famous smile upon her face.

I turned my back to her, " Goodbye Tura."

I didn't want to promise anything to her I couldn't keep, I had my orders. I left her not knowing that was the last time I was to see my sister

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