Family to up hold

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I don't own DBZ, only my characters.


( After Kadta's father left )

Jayden father of Kadta P.O.V

" I left her... I just left my only daughter and didn't say a thing to her." I glared at piccolo. "You asshole! You called her evil! A six year old girl evil! You wouldn't let me explain why I had to leave. You couldn't have brought her with me to protect her as well? Why... why didn't you let me bring her? She's going to grow up without me... She'll hate me. She'll die! She's not ready for this, send me back. She needs me. "

I felt my entire being go numb, I was standing... no... sitting? Floating? Everything feels fuzzy.

" Jayden."

" What... " I looked up at my father. He looked alot like Vegeta, mostly the hair but surprisingly can keep his temper.

" You had to. She will learn to toughen up. She will be resourceful and cunning. Hopefully find allies. You had kept her sheltered for far to long, she is your daughter, my granddaughter and is of royal Sayian heritage. She will become Earths new protector with her awakening. She will become a woman not just with age but with experience. That's what your giving her, it's hard I understand... you will have pride for Kadta and not mope around thinking she is unprepared for what's to come. " He said as he looked at me sternly.

" I... I will. I will let her become who has to be. Kadta, you will up hold the protectors, your family and defeat the evil that is upon us. You are not like the protectors, you are The Protector of Earth. I'm proud of you and I'm sorry to have left you so early in life. Dende I pray that one say she will understand. " I prayed silently.

"Jayden! "

We all turned around to see Tura and her younger sister running toward us. They both were covered wounds. Tura had the Dragons keep in her arms.

" Tura! Riadiza! What are you doing here? "

" We were attacked as we were getting ready to bring The Keep to the Lookout. He's back! They almost killed Gea! " Riadiza half yelled. I then noticed the young child clung to her chest.  She was breathing weakly and had a bloody bandage wrapped around her torso.

" Bring the child here now! " My father ordered. Riadiza obediently gave the her over, I looked over at Tura who was on the floor weeping.

" What kind of mother can't protect her own child. We weren't prepared. I didn't know. " She sobbed.

" Tura you didn't know, we all didn't know he was coming sooner that we thought. " I tried to comfort her.

" There's no need to worry. Your daughter is quite the trooper.Lucky for us I had a extra senu bean on me. " My father held Gea who was wide awake now.

" Mama! " Gea jumped out of his arms and into the awaiting mothers. Riadiza soon after hugged them both in a tight grip.

" Thank you. " Riadiza bowed slightly to father. She then turned to me " What are we to do with the box? "

" We can hide it here with you guys. " Tura spoke up. " They attacked us at not to far from the lookout if we return they are bound to figure out where the box will be hidden. "

" No. We have to get the box to the chamber. Dende said no one should be able to get a read on its signature. " Riadiza said.

" How do you plan on not getting caught?"

" If we do get into a mess. All of you plus myself can distract them while Tura gets the box into the chamber." Riadiza explained to me.

" I'm not letting you fight them again we don't have any more sensu beans left and your in no condition to fight again. What are we going to do with Gea. " Tura said.

" I can take the child to a save place at King Kias. I'm bound here at otherworld. " Piccolo offered.

" See Gea will be in save hands. " I told Tura. She looked at me then down at the sleeping girl in her arms. She walked over to the Piccolo and handed the sleeping form to him.

" Take care little one, mama loves you. "

" Lets get going Tura." I placed a hand on her shoulder.


We were rocketing though the sky to the lookout.

" I don't sense anyone near by, I think we're not going to worry about a fight. " Riadiza shouted over the wind.

I could see the Lookout by now. I speed up wanting to get this over and done with.

" Jayden! Lookout! " Tura yelled. But it was to late I was met with a kai beam to my side. I lost some altitude for a moment but regain myself. In front of me was a man. He had golden eyes that sent a chill to very my soul. His hair was medium length and look more like smoke then hair. He was extremely muscular and didn't have a shirt but did have a series of tattoos that like his hair moved and flowed like smoke. Oddly he had human blue jeans and no shoes. He looked human except for the power I could practically feel pulsating off him, something actient and dark.

" Hello Tura. Riadiza. " He calmly nodded to them. " I see you've brought back the Dragons Keep."

" Where's your hench men I was sure we were going to have a warm up before you get your ass handed to you. " Riadiza growled.

" They didn't get the job done so I decided to kill them. Though you seemed to have done most of that yourself. " He smiled at her, " You have quite a mouth on you. I think you need to be taught a lesson."

Before I knew it she was sent flying. I went after her but before I come get to her she caught by her attacker. I stopped and watched as she struggled to free her self. I bared my teeth at him.

" Let her go right now! " Tura yelled at the man. Her kai was like flames  around her.

" What are you doing! Get out of here now! " Riadiza gasped.

I noticed he was distracted so I took the chance to get Riadiza. He stood shocked for a moment. Riadiza then grabbed the box from her sister and flew off to the Lookout.

" Brat! " He roared flying after her. I followed after them. She landed and took off running to the chamber. The man went in pursuit. Before he could grab her I tackled him sending both of us to the tiled floor. He recovered quickly but was to late for Riadiza had gotten the box to safety.

" I'll destroy you brat. "

" Go ahead Nano! You can't have the box, I'll never find it myself if you asked. Hahaha! You lost! "

Nano gritted his teeth then summoned the black smoke from his arms. Just as he shot it at her, I pushed her taking the hit. Pain. Shearing pain went all though out my body.

" Ahhhhh! " I was curled up on the floor, I must have been on fire.

" I'll kill you! " Riadiza powered up at flew at Nano, he got ready to fire the smoke at her again, as it came at her, she sling shot it right back at him. I watched as it hit him dead on. He double over clutching his chest.

" You bitch... this body is no longer usable. " Nano hacked up a black substance. " It was weak already. I need a new host. " He mumbled to himself. I was watching even as my vision began to blur.

" Kadta! " I gasped. My daughter. I have to live for her. " Kadta! " I painfully stood up.

" Jayden don't. " Riadiza ran over to me.

" You. You should be dead. " Nano pointed at me. Riadiza was pushed forcefully away from me. I was then grabbed by my neck and hosted up.

" Kadta is the one who keeps you going? " He questioned. I nodded bluntly. " I'll make a deal with you. Become my new host and everyone including the brat that wounded me will be safe, no one will be hurt. "

" Everyone and the Earth. " I said.

" Is it a deal? "

I looked him in the eyes. "Yes."

Nano smirk and the tattoos started to creep along my arms and into my wound. The burning was ten times worse and I open my mouth to yell but  only to have the smoke invade my air way. I felt myself fading as he took over.

' Kadta. ' It was my last thought till there was nothing but smoke.

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