Gea's awakening

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I don't own DBZ, only my characters.


Gea's POV

It's been two days since our encounter with Riadiza and no sight of Kadta. She couldn't have just left. I really missed her. She was like my sister and being an only child that's was the greatest thing to have.

I stayed in her room waiting for her return. I haven't eaten or slept. Grieve over what I have done lead to these god awful nightmares. I felt my face hot and the burning tears fled from my eyes. Sobs wreaked my body.

" It's all my fault. It's all my fault. " I rocked my body back and forth. I lost every one. Where could Kadta be, dead as well!? I nothing but a disgrace. A fool.

" I'm weak! " I cried. By body began to get a tingly sensation. Then my soul felt like it was being ripped in two. Causing me to stop crying, but still whimpering.

" No your not. " I felt a hand gently touch my shoulder. I looked up to see a man in an orange gi and wild all over the place spiked hair. I looked into his eyes and saw nothing but compassion and he even sported a big smile I know to well.

" Goku? " I asked wiping tears away.

" The one and only. " He smiled.

" I must look like an moron, crying and all. "

" Nope not at, trust me on that. We all get to a crushing point in our lives, it get to overwhelming and we cry. It's normal. It's better then destroying stuff. "

I laughed remembering Kadta blasting stuff because there were no tampons in the chamber, but remembering her just brought my heart at a low again.

" Kadta is fine she's been in the chamber working with her new sayian body. She fully awakened when learned of her fathers fate. "

" What do you mean sayian body? " That's not something you hear everyday.

" To defeat Nano you must go though mental and physical changes. Ounce you master your emotions, which you have. You begin on... well the physical part which will... um... make you a full blooded sayian. "

" Makes sense to me. When to we begin? "

" Now. "

" Ok let's do this thing. Can't have Kadta training alone. " I smiled.

Goku placed his hands over my heart and head. I began to get hot flashes and then go numb then hot again. Fire was coursing through my veins and back. I kept eye contact with Goku and only winced here and there. My heart felt like it vibrating more then beating. Energy flowed warm and comforting. And images of my childhood with my family including my father. He was holding me as a newborn with my mom and aunt at the hospital.

" What should we name her? " mom said.

" How about Myelin? " my aunt piped up.

" She doesn't look like a Myelin. " Mom answered in a tired tone.

" Gea," My father stated in rich, warm voice, " Gea will be her name. After the Earth goddess, who is kind and virtuous yet fierce and cunning. She will be beautiful and graceful with wisdom like that of her mother. " He smiled down at me and I babbled reaching my small arms to his face.

" Gea is perfect. " My mom said

" I think Myelin should be her middle name then. " Riadiza said.

" Ok, Gea Myelin Rav it is." My father said wiggling the finger I had in my grasp.

The memory ended I was crying tears of joy.

" I never got a chance to know my father. I never met him. Thank you. " I looked up at Goku, then hugged him. " Thank you so much."

I then felt my soul become whole with a voice echoing " Stay strong for them. "

I raced out of the room realizing where Kadta was hiding at. I nearly knocked over Mr. Popo in the process.

" Sorry! " I yelled as I made my way to the chamber.

Just I reached the door, it opened. I stood in awe of what I believed to be an Amazon. She was muscular but it fit her figure. Her face was defined and very beautiful, her eyes I knew well, char coal black and held little to no emotion. Her hair was thick and a wild mane that spiked downward. And, if I were to touch it would be surprisingly soft then from the rugged look it had. Even more surprising was the tail that unfurled its self from around her wast.

" Kadta? " I asked.

" In the flesh. " She mocked bowed.

" Wow. You look... even more intimidating and I'm guessing Sayianish. " I laughed.

" Thank you. You look Sayianish your self. A tail and everything. "

" I have a tail! " I turned to look at my back end, " It's so fury! "

I went to grab it, but immediately regretted having a sudden blast of pain that made me fall.

" Do not grab tail. I'm going to have a sign made and put it on thy tail. " Kadta managed without laughing.

" Are we going to train or what? " I said pushing myself off the floor.

" Indeed. Come along fledgling. "

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