An enemy within friends

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I don't own DBZ, only my characters.


" My lord will be pleased. " Luca sneered. He had saw Gea run into the flames, and with the help of himself caused the ceiling to cave in.

" Finally that pest is dead! Only one more now.  HAHAHAHAHA!!! " he turned to walk away from the destruction like it was nothing of his concern.

" Is anyone there? We need a little assistance!" Gea cried out.

" W-w-what! " Luca stammered. " How could she survive! "

" Oy! " Kadta yelled. " You better at lease get some help! "

" She lived as well. Guess I'll get Gea later. " He watched the three figures emerge from the smoke.


" Gods can Red here be anymore of a paper weight?! " As Kadta repositioned Jane, so she could carry her with more ease.

" I rather let you die... " the person in front of us growled. Kadta hadn't heard but I did. I could tell the person was male but I couldn't see his face. He looked like he was wearing armor and a green thingy on the side of his face.

" Thanks for nothing butt head. " I grumbled. I wanted to smack him, lets us die! How could anyone say that? My mom said to see the good in all but... I couldn't see any in him and his energy it was just pure evil. I shuddered a little.

Kadta was looking at me shocked.

" Why so negative, that's my thing. " she said half joking.

" Someone saw us. He was right over there. " I didn't want to tell her what he had said. I pointed at the end of the hallway were I had saw him. " And he ran off! "

" Oh thank Gods! I thought you were talking to me! " Kadta place a hand over her chest.


" What? You! " Gea beamed. " No your a hero! "

I was flabbergasted ' Me? A hero?"

" You saved a life, took charge in a panic. You ran into a fire! With no regards of YOUR safety. "

" Oh stop it your making me blush, " I rolled my eyes. " I did so I the school didn't have need to worry about a funeral service."

" I still think your a hero."

I smiled at the thought , ' I'm a hero like the protectors. '


" I'm glade school wasn't canceled. " Gea said through bites of pie.

" The school's to cheap to let students miss a day. " Kadta gulped down a bottle of green tea.

" Ya! But if we left , I wouldn't be eating eating free pie for a week! "

" Do you ever think of ANYTHING besides food? "

" Nope. " Gea giggled. " Just kidding, I was wondering who that guy is. "

" Not that again. " Kadta groaned.

" He could of started the fire! "

" I have three people I think are our culprits, our mystery person, Jane and Luke." Kadta held up three fingers.

" Why Luke? " Gea cocked her head to the side.

" Because he came running to us as soon as the fire started

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