Judgment Day the Beginning

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I don't own DBZ, only my characters.


The morning Sun light streamed through the trees, creating elaborate shadows across the floor and walls of the tree fort. The quite was ruined by a loud shrill scream.

" Get that thing away from! "Kadta had flung herself out of the widow and landed on her feet; a string of curse words flowing out of her mouth.

" It's just a caterpillar. " Gea held the squirming creature between her index and thumb.

" I don't care, just get it out of here! "

"Okay then... There you go little guy." Gea smiled letting the furry worm walk off her finger to a nearby branch. " Coast is clear you can come back up and put some pants on. "

Kadta looked down at her bare legs and quickly pulled her hoddie to cover herself. " You are a butt. I hope you know that. " She grumbled and the branch with the caterpillar.

After the fiasco with the bug, Kadta and Gea had gotten into their training outfits to hunt for breakfast.

They had walked a few miles out and came upon a lake.

" You like fish? " Gea asked.

" I do now."

The teens strolled over to the edge of the pond and sat on a large bolder. A few minutes went by.

" Do you know how to fish? " Gea asked.

" Nope. " Kadta jumped strait into the blue water. After a minute passed a giant fish flew out of the water and fell onto land where it flopped and revved and then stopped.

" I got one. "

" I can see. " Gea poked the dead fish with a stick. They got a fire started and proceeded to eat the fish.


" Damn it all! " Nano raged. He paced his throne room, admitting an enraged aura. He stopped suddenly, an evil grin stretched across his face. He then proceeded to exit through the metal door that lead outside. At brisk pace he strolled out, ignoring the bows and salutes from his workers.

Using the mist that was inside Rade he traced her where abouts to the Lookouts location. In a flash he was in front of a very startled genie.

" You can be here... you weren't supposed to be until the end of the week. " Dende rushed to Me.Popo's side.

" Change in plans. Now where is the Keep! "

" Somewhere the likes of you will never find. "

" My patience is done for, slug. Give me the Keep and I will spare your life."

Dende remained silent. Nano paused, " Give me the where abouts of the Keep and I'll spare your precious sayians. "

" You underestimate them. " Dende warned.

" No, you earthlings think you can stop me for another millennia or so. The universe will be at peace because I'm ounce again trapped? You and your Sayian brats no nothing of power, but this world will know fear and will tremble before my wrath and will know of darkness once more. I will personally see the sublimation of every man, woman and child on this wretched rock. " With a quick swipe of his hand Dende and Mr. Popo fell as the first victims of the Gods wrath.

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