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I do not own DBZ, only my characters.

Kadta knew her mom wouldn't let her have breakfast. After her father left her mothers sickness gad gotten worse causing her to lash out with violent mood swings. As a young child she was subject to her mothers wrath, until she finally defended herself. She had nearly killed her mother, but after that day she hadn't laid a hand on Kadta. That didn't mean her mother didn't emotionally try to weaken her own child.
Kadta tried to ignor her stomach's rumbles of protest. She quickly pocketed an apple on her way out the door to school. She'll deal with her mother's anger later.


" 13 - 9 - 18 " Kadta mumbled. As once again the locker didn't budge. " Come on you piece of crap! " She mumbled in frustration as she pounded the locker with her fist. Causing the metal to warp and cave in. She rested her head against the dented door of the the locker, this was the third time this week. Which means another agonizingly, long chat with the principal. She was so emersed in her thoughts she did not notice the girl suddenly standing at her side.

" Having trouble?" She asked looking under Kadta's long hair to see her face. Kadta stood up straight and looked over at a girl about two years younger then herself. This girl had light, straight brown hair that almost looked blonde with the biggest smile Kadta ever saw and bright brown eyes. There was something oddly familiar about her. Kadta looked more closely at her, " Do I know you?"

" Don't remember me? We were kids and there was a fight. I was getting picked on and then you showed up saving me." She stated. Kadta stared that her unamused.

" I've been in many fights ", Kadta replied, " You'll need to be more specific." But the memory hit her like a bullet.


" Hey freak! " a boy taunted, " I saw what you did! You're probably not even human!"

The others laughed with him corning a little girl. She was beaten pretty badly with a puffed up shiner as a left eye. She tried to defened herself, still ready to fight if she had to. Kadta saw what was happening and quickly ran over to the scene.

" Stop that! " she ordered. The boys swirled their heads at her. Some backed off, but the leader and a dew if his goons sneered at her.

" Oh look boys! One freak tryin' to save another!" the ringleader jeered. His goons laughed while the rest looked like they would wet their pants!

" Um... I think we should go. " A dark skinned boy said nervously.

" What!? Are you scared, scared of a girl! " the head goon sneered.

" N-no. It's Kadta! She shouldn't be messed with! " A red head piped up.

Kadta looked bored, picking at her hangnails; clearly unfazed by the boys tuanting as stalked closer.

" I think I made myself very clear, stop now or prepare yourselves for hospital foos." she said cooley.

" Fat chance! " An older boy yelled. He looked like he was on steroids, with a big body and a little head. He came barreling in at came her like a bull. Kadta swiftly side stepped out of his path, then socked him in the gut, knocking the air out of him.

" That's how you're gonna play? " She mused. In a flash two more boys were sprawled on their backs. " Freak? Yes... I am and you all should be in fear."

Two more were down with a round house kick to the head and a punch to the juggler.

" Three against me!? Not fair for you guys." Kadta laughed. Two of the boys left standing looked at each other befor running for the hills, leaving the ringleader alone and in shock.

" Not so big without your little friends, are you." The head boy didn't look at his fallen commrades, but remained standing there paralized. Kadta smirked walking towards him, pushing down one boy trying to stand back up. She was now face to face with him.

"I think you should say you're sorry to that girl you were so boldly ganging up on." When he didn't anwser in a timely manner, Kadta punched him in the gut causing him to fall to his knees. She proceeded to haul him up by his hair making him wince in pain. She dragged him over to the nine year girl cowering in the corner and threw him at her feet.

" Say it! "

" I- I- I'm s-sorry... " he weased.

" For?" Kadta asked.

" Callin' you a freak..."

" And? "

" H-h-hurting y-you..." He hardly breathed out before blacking out. Kadta poked him with her foot, she looked up at the nine year old.

" Didn't think you would stay to watch the show. "

" Please. Please. Don't hurt me." she could hardly talk.

" I won't... are you ok?" Kadta was trying to be nice and not scare the girl anymore then she already is.

" I'll live, but why did you help me? "

" I couldn't have let them keep beating you like that. Especially if you didn't do anything wrong." The girl rushed over and hugged Kadta.
" Thank you! No one has ever done anything like that for me!"

" Um.. No problem... Now get off and get home to your family or something kid." Kadta awkwardly patted the kids head trying to remove her from her being.

" My name is Gea! If you ever need anything, I'll gladly help you!" Gea smiled.

" Ah... Thanks. " Kadta said as She turned to walk off. Leaving Gea grinning like a fool.


" I guess I'm going to use that offer of yours for my locker. " Kadta muttered. Gea smile widen she thought the girl would burst from happiness.

" You remember me! "

" Yes, or I wouldn't be talking to you." Kadta said bitterly. Without warning, Gea hugged Kadta. Kadta awardly stood there looking at her like she had rabies.

" Get. The. Hell. Off me! That was six years ago! I'm not your one of BFFs that you can hug and kiss or whatever! " Kadta didn't shove her off though.
" I'll open your locker now. " Like she had not clearly hear a word of Kadta's exclaimation.

' You live in a world full of unicorns and rainbows. ' Kadta hissed.

' I wonder why Kadta's so grumpy? ' she thought as she forced a small amount of kai to snap the lock. "Ok it's open! "

" You snapped the lock. " Kadta raised a brow, unphased. I looked at the locker, then Kadta, then back at the locker.

" You have a imprint of your fist in the door."

" Ya. I know. " she said matter of factly.

' She can break locks with her mind! Why didn't she use her power against those bullies? '

" So how have you been? Do we have any classes together? Did the bell just ring? I'm hungry! When's lunch?! " Gea asked non stop As I stared at her.

" What are you talking about!?"

" Huh? " Gea said confused. "What was I saying? "

" How the heck shuld I know?! " I turned to walk to class.

" Hey wait up! "

" Oh. My. Gods. Go away, you helped and made me late for class! " I stormed off. ' No way I'm I staying with this girl any longer. I'm going to lose it if doesn't leave me alone! '

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