Judgment Day part 2

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Kill or be killed!

I let my anger seep throughout my body, releasing hidden power of the sayian. A golden aura surrounds me, and I began to see red. But the the transformation wasn't done, lighting flashed around me and I felt my body straining to conform with the sudden bulk of muscles. Nano looked unimpressed by the transformation.

" Your little change in hair color is nothing u haven't seen. When will you learn from the past girl! "

I lunged at him, full fury in each swing and kick. He didn't budge. Taking very hit like a statute. Frustrated I tried my Nova beam at him. It hit it's target, but Nano stood picking at his nails unfazed by the attack.

" Nice try sweetheart. " he fazed in front of me and back handed me into a building. I managed to pull myself out of the rubble and flew at him again putting everything I had into the attacks. But all the damage ended up going to me because nothing seemed to harm him. I tried to doge an incoming kai beam, but was assaulted with a shower of the black kai.

One stuck me in the stomach and I was sent hurtling down into the street below.

" Give up you Sayian trash or you'll end up like the fallen prince all those years ago. " Nano held me by the throat and tightened his grip with every word. I thought my throat was about to be ripped out when a familiar someone caught him off guard. I was released and the sweet painful sensation of air flowing into my lungs left me gasping like a fish.

Gea had also become a Super Sayian, she grabbed me arm and hulled me up she then flew away from Nano to an unknown location. I was slipping into unconsciousness as stars danced across my vision.

She landed and carefully laid me down.

" Sensu... " I choked out; my voice was horse from nearly being suffocated. I made a hand motion to where the pouch was. Gea quickly fished the green bean out and put it to my bloodied lips.

It tasted a little bitter and had a hint of a honey flavor to it as well. Slowly I felt the pain begin to numb and then felt stronger then I was before. I sat up abruptly and looked over my healed wounds.

" Those really do come in handy. " Gea grinned handing the pouch back. " What were you thinking trying to take Nano by your self! You nearly died you butthead! " Gea had hit my arm as she vented.

" I would say I'm sorry, but that wouldn't be fully true. " I grumbled rubbing my arm.

" I know. I get it." Gea then pulled out the one thing I was hopeing was safely hidden.

" Gea you baka! " I hissed. Gea had brought the Dragons Keep. She opened it and began to take out the orange orbs. " Put those back you can't let Nano get them! " I desperately tried to put them back, but Gea slapped my hand away.

" Nano is basically a God right?", Gea didn't let me answer, " So if one of us becomes a Goddess, we can have a better chance of beating him. "

" But can't he take powers. We could end up fueling him with more power. Plus what would the other person do stand in the sidelines like a cheerleader. " I questioned.

" That's when the Keep really comes in. As one person fights Nano the other can become a Goddess with the power of the Keep, it's in there you just need to find it. " Gea sighed, " You can read Sayian I looked at the note and found what I think are instructions of obtaining the power. You can make the wish for me to become the Goodness first, I'll lead Nano away and gold him off as longer as possible till the wish is made. " Gea smiled pulling the last of the dragons balls out, they glowed and she gave me a quick hug before she flew off to face Nano.

I stared at the orbs, " This better work.... Arise Sheron! " I yelled. " Thank you Vegeta for your memories. " I thought. The sky darkened and a giant green chi dragon arose in the sky.

" State your wish and I'll shall grant it. " The dragons voice boomed.

I took a deep breath and let it out, " Make my friend Gea become a powerful Goddess. " I yelled. At first there was only silence and I grew worried this was all for nothing. The dragons eyes glowed red and to my surprise...

" Your wish has been granted. " He rumbled. In a flash he was gone and the orbs flew up and scattered to far off places. Now to the Keep.


Gea's POV

I hugged my sister goodbye. I wasn't sure if this was going to work, but it was the only chance we have. I flew off to find Nano, he turned out to be were we last saw him, he casually stood waiting for my return.

" She was weak. " he stated, he crossed his arms over his chest, " I hope you last longer blood of Goku. "

" Kadta is not weak, you are! " I yelled.

Nano raised a brow, " Oh really is it because good triumph over evil? Or the weak win eventually? " He mocked, " You're going to defeat me because your ancestors did before. "

Suddenly the sky darkened and in the distance behind me a giant green dragons like the ones on the Keep, floated above the city. I held my breath as realization flashed in Nano's eyes flared with fury he fazed over to were the Dragons was, but I managed to grab him and was transported with him. The dragons eyes glowed crimson and in a flash disappeared along with the dragon balls.

I felt like my body was humming, then burning everything was heighten and the world moved slower. I looked at Nano the black smoke seems the form tendrils and he looked more mist then man, inside I could a man the same man Nano appeared to be before be he looked trapped in the mist, bound and helpless.

" I think I'm going to stop you, by playing at your own game Nano. You're not the only God anymore. " I growled.

I punched him, and actually landed a solid hit that sent him flying miles away. But I notice the man cry out in pain and fight against the mist. This man recovered and like a puppet. The mist moved him to fight back. I was stronger now, but I knew Nano was holding back and this wasn't even his final form of strength.

The city was in ruins, countless people are probably dying. Where's Kadta? Has she found the power yet?

Nano growled and the man inside screamed in agony. The mist became thicker and the mans eyes glowed inhumanly gold.

" Kadta hurry! " I screamed in my head.

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