Good and Evil Awakes

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I do not own DBZ, only my characters.


" Kadta? Kadta. KADTA! " Her math teacher boiled.

" Huh? What? " As she came back to reality. Leaving the sorrowful past.

" If you weren't daydreaming over there, you would of heard me! " Kadta looked over at the question on the black board, then back at the tomato faces man.

" Why do even bother me with this? I don't know how this is going to help me in life. I don't listen to your crappy lectors and I don't care! " Kadta hissed. " As far as I know I'm not going to college. " She guessed that he was already to red so he went to purple.

" H-h how DARE YOU! Your probably the disgrace of the family, what would they think about your behavior! " That snap her.

" PFFT! Please don't make my laugh! Family? What is a family? You should tell that woman and my father who left me! Family! HA! But you, HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU INSULT ME WITH YOUR PRESENTS! YOU CALL YOURSELF A TEACHER. You don't know the area of a square. I know more than you! " Kadta abruptly stood up sent her chair and desk flying into walls. " You dare talk to me that way! "


" You dare talk to the Prince of all Sayians that way! " I yelled at a monk in an orange gi. " You apparently didn't think I would hear runt! " I growled in my mind, ' Yes I know my title is nothing to them! And there are only two pure bloods. Myself and Kakarott, plus the half-breeds. But my title is the only thing left as a connection to my family, my home and my people. '

Gods I wanted to murder that runt. ' Kakarott wouldn't like it and he would just be wished back with the dragon balls! But that doesn't mean I can't have so fun.'

" I'll make myself clear about this, " I powered up and focused my kai in my left palm. I took aim, making the fool fall on his butt. " Don't ever talk about my father! "

" Vegeta! "


Kadta turned toward the voice. It was Gea.

" Kadta calm down, your getting out of hand. "

Kadta growled.


" Grrrrr... damn it Kakarott! " I powered down. " I wasn't going kill your ' little ' friend."

Goku sighed. " Vegeta you've been off lately, what's- "


"- bothering you? " Gea asked quietly. Kadta looked at the damaged classroom. Desks scatter and flipped over all around, as well as chairs. Kids looking at her with fear as the hid behind the teacher.

" I-I don't know..." Kadta then foamed with anger. " Why are you here girl! "

" We should leave. I'll explain later. " Gea beckoned Kadta to hurry out.


" He has almost awakened Sir! " A gard reported nervously.

" Good! I'll get my revenge on that pest. He stopped me ounce. " The voice said distasteful. " But I'll have the upper hand now! " Followed by an evil maniacal laugh.

" B-but Sir? What if they master their power. We don't even know who he is! " The gard spoke up.

" SILENCE! I always have a plan. Luca! "

" SIR! " Luca saluted.

" I have a task for you. " the voice said in an eerie tone.

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