Prep for Training

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I don't own DBZ, only my characters.


" Come on green man! " Kadta growled. " I'm tired of this training, we mastered sensing kai, flying and energy all in general. What more can you teach me. "

" Us. " Gea piped in. Dende sweat dropped. ' They were quick learners, Gea even knows how to IT! Were was only one thing left, the Hyperbolic Chamber.' He quickly shook off the thought, they weren't ready for that yet.

" You need to work on your energy more Kadta. You have good form and are skilled in hand to hand combat, But the foe's both of you will sooner or later be facing know more than just combat." Dende said boldly, trying to act superior. Kadta just crossed her, scowling.

" We've been doing this for months, I think we can handle that chamber you keep mumbling about. " She said.

" I have to agree with Kadta on this one, if we don't at least try how will we know if we're ready for the task? " Gea crossed her arms as well.

" Are you sure? The Chamber is a bit extreme. " Dende said.

" Please green man, we are Sayians after all. We're born the fight and can surpass any challenges!" Kadta pumped her fist as she powered up. Showing off her power. Gea and Dende just stood there then looked at each other then back at Kadta.


" YA what she said! " Gea powered up as well, sadly Dende was right by her and got blown back by the force.

" OK! OK! You both made your point." Dende struggled to stand up. ' Oh Gods how am I going to deal with these two when they turn Super Sayian? '


The Z fighters were all at the Lookout.

" In the Chamber you can get a years worth of training in 24 hours-- " Kakarott explained how this Chamber would help me increase my strength.

' Fool, you're just asking for me to surpass you.' I sneered. I walked though the door with my son at tow. I stood their smirking as the door closed, commencing my training.


" Here we are girls. " Mr. Popo gesturing to the wooded door.

" This is it? To think this was going to be interesting. " Kadta mocked sighed.

" It has every thing you need for the years training. There's two beds, food, a bathroom. "

" Wait a year?" Gea looked over at Kadta, who was doing the same to her. Having a mental girl bond.

" Is there EVERYTHING WE NEED? " They asked in union.

" Ummm.... " Mr.Popo didn't get what they were saying.

" You know, when Kadta gets even more upset then usual. " Gea tried to hint.

" What do mean?" Now Dende became confused.

" When I PMS! OK! " Kadta growled, looking away.

" Ya. " Gea said frankly.

" OH! " Dende And Mr. Popo blushed. Kadta swung the door open running inside. Gea quickly followed.

" This is going to be a long year. " she sighed.

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