Less talk, More eat!

398 9 5

I don't own DBZ, only my characters.


" I never knew you could do that! I can only get a tiny amount of energy. But you! Holy cows! " Gea stared in wonder.

" How did you find me? " Kadta asked.

" Oh that! I was a hallway away from yours and I felt something wasn't right then your energy went all crazy. So I asked to use the restroom. And your hair looks different! " She said randomly.

" What? "

" Look! " Kadta was yanked into the women's restroom. Then pushed in front of the mirror. Instead of her normal slightly curly hair, it stuck straight into the air, like she put her finger into a electrical outlet.

" How on Earth? " She ran her fingers though the spikes, with out any luck of flattening it down.

" Oh! So you weren't trying out a new look? " Gea cocked her head to the side.

" No! And you had not answered my question."

" Huh? Oh, right! "

" So? "

" I don't know. My gut told me. " Kadta nearly fell over.


" Ya, speaking of which, it's lunch time! "


" Kakarott, do you ever think of anything but your stomach? " I mused.

" Well I train and sleep, don't I? " Goku teased.


" Are you going to eat all that!?! " Kadta stared at the mountains of pates, shocked.

" Well I got some some for you too. " Gea shoved a pile of food toward her. Kadta's mouth overflowed from the smell. She never got to eat this much! Her stomach agreed with a loud rumble.

" Well go on, eat it or I will. " Gea teased, already stacking up five polished plates.

" I want to know why your doing this for me? " Kadta paused " Even after I treated you like crap. " She waited for the catch.

" Well I don't think an apple will cut it for any meal. I think of you as someone who just doesn't know how to show her true being, and well. She just needs a little time, that's all. " Gea smiled. Kadta looked at the girl, masking her gratitude. ' Does she actually care? ' she pondered, looking down at her food and poking it fork. Gea notice her friends discomfort, sighing.

" I wish I can explain what was going on. What's happening to us, to you. " Gea said sadly. " I had those same questions all of my childhood. "

" It's not that, I think my food just moved! "

" Ya some things are just crazy looking, don't look at it. It really tastes great! " Kadta noticed she had cleared half her plates already. Kadta shove a fork full in her mouth, shutting her eyes tightly. She blinked in surprise, " Holy crap! This taste freakin' amazing! "

" TOLD YOU! " Gea was muffled with her cheeks full of pizza bites. Kadta had nearly fallen off her chair, holding her sides in pain from laughing to hard.

" You look like a Chipmunk! " she choked.

" You like your dieing over there! " Gea giggled.


The whole lunch room fell silent, watching the two girls chow down plate, after plate, after plate.

" What the heck?" they all seemed to wonder.

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