Visiting The Farm-Chapter Three (Original Four x Reader)

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Me and the band KISS were on our way to visit the farm.

The farmer had to go out of town for a few days, so we offered to help out while he was gone.

"Look at the chickens"!

Ace started making chicken noises and we all laughed.

Soon, we pulled into the dirt-path driveway of the local farm.

The horses were busy grazing in the field.

And a calico cat was chasing a mouse.

Peter went to go pet the furry feline.

The cat rubbed it's body again his leg.

"I think she's hungry. Let's get her some food".

I said.

Paul went to the farmer's house and found a pet bowl.

He poured a can of wet cat food into the bowl.

Gene found another bowl and filled it with water.

After that, I picked up list that the farmer gave us so we'd all know what our chores on the farm were.

"It says that we have to collect the apples, milk the cows, feed the pigs, collect the eggs from the chicken coop, and then later on, the market will be here to collect the food for all the waiting customers".

I told them.

Paul went to go milk the cows, while I went to pick some fresh red apples.

I stood up facing myself backwards and tried to buck the apples from the trees.

It was a little bit hard.

"F/n, what are you doing"?

Paul asked with a chuckle.

"Trying to buck the apple tree like the way a horse does".

I answered.

Ace saw what I doing and he offered to help.

"You gotta shake the tree to get the apples. Come over and help us, would ya Catman"?

Peter walked over to where me and Ace were.

Together, the three of us grabbed onto the tree and after I counted to three, we began to shake the tree as much as we could.

Soon, several apples were falling down off of their branches.




Some of the apples ended up hitting us on the head after they fell.

Gene went to the garden to pick some vegetables.

He picked up about one bucket of tomatoes, two buckets of squash, and three buckets of potatoes.

"Whew, this is a lot of stuff to carry".

I wiped the sweat off of my forehead with my hand.

Once, we set the buckets down for the market to collect, Peter noticed that one of the baby pigs had somehow wriggled its way out of the fence.

"And there's two more"!

Paul pointed his finger as more piglets ran around.

I carefully picked up one of them and carried it back to the fence where it belonged.

After all the escaped piglets were back in the fence, Peter took out some pig feed and poured in into the feeding pin.

The horses were given some oats and they ate it all up.

I collected the eggs from the chicken coop.

The market arrived at the farm after lunchtime and they took all the fresh food to be taken to the grocery store.

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