Sleeping With The Starchild-Chapter Forty-Eight (Kiss Oneshot #13)

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It was a night after Kiss had just finished their last concert in Australia.

The guys were taking their shower in the tour bus, and that was how we were traveling.

I was just getting ready for bed when Doc McGhee came and told me that since Gene and Tommy had already taken two of the beds, and Eric wanted to sleep by himself, I could either share the last bed with Paul or sleep on the couch.

I chose the first option, although it made me blush.

Paul was just finishing up in the bathroom when he got the message from Doc McGhee.

He sent a text back, saying it was okay.

By then, I already had my pajamas on and was sitting on the bed waiting for Paul.

When the door opened, I turned around to see the Starchild almost completely naked, except for his boxers.

This created an awkward moment for me, and the Starchild could tell that I was blushing.

"Could you go and get my bag for me? It's the purple one with my name on it"?

I held back my shy feelings and said:

"Yeah, I'll go get it".

As soon as I left the room, a rain shower began approaching.

I made my way across the tour bus, holding the top part of my pajama gown to keep it from slipping.

The fact that I wasn't wearing anything underneath but my underwear made me blush harder.

Eric and Gene were still awake and they were talking about random things while they waited for Tommy to be done in the shower.

They stopped when they noticed that I was standing there waiting patiently for them to move out of the way, as the thing that Paul needed was close the suitcase holder.

"Hey need anything before we turn in for the night"?

The Catman asked, making my cheeks turn bright pink.

I once again pushed the shy feelings aside.

"Paul asked me to bring him that little purple bag over there".

I said to them.

Gene looked up in the direction of what I talking about, and then saw what I was referring to, and proceeded to grab the item and hand it to me.

"Thank you".

I said, and then turned around and walked away.

In the bedroom, Paul was getting the bed ready by pulling out the blankets and covers.

He had already sprayed cologne on his neck, and it was the kind that he knew would get my attention.

A few minutes later, I walked back in and shut the door behind him.

"Thanks a lot, sweetie. You're a life-saver".

Paul said, and took the bag from me, opening it slightly.

When I wasn't paying attention, he took out a condom and put it in the side drawer that was next to the bed.

I was just about to get into bed when I noticed that Paul had put a Do Not Disturb side on the knob before locking the door, shutting it behind him.

Shaking my head in disbelief, I walked over and got into bed.

Paul did the same thing almost immediately.

He watched as I pulled the blanket over my chest.

A smile formed across his face.

Soft hands touched my shoulder, and my muscles felt tense.

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