First Time-Chapter Twenty-Nine (Vinnie Vincent x Author)

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It was an awkward time for me.

I wanted to understand how it felt and after having this talk, it gave me more of an idea on what to do.

But first, I wanted to experiment with sex toys so I could do it right.

After getting ready for my shower, I took a vibrator with me and played with it.

When I finally got the hang of it, I could feel the vibrations coursing through my uterus, and after several minutes, I finally released my precum for the first time.

Noticing how I was feeling made Vinnie understand that I was ready.

After having dinner and feeding the dogs, I waited for him in the bedroom.

When he walked in, the guitarist could see that I was wearing nothing but a soft bathrobe.

Vinnie watched me untie the string and then let them loose.

I blushed heavily as I looked into his gorgeous green eyes, and they were full of love and lust.

Vinnie shuts the bedroom door and then goes into the bathroom.

I could see that he looking for something in the sink cabinet.

Then, he took out a disposable cup and filled it with water.

After swallowing a red pill, he turned off the bathroom light and walked out.

Vinnie surprises me by closing the curtains by the window, which made the bedroom completely dark.

I looked around for a minute or two before soft hands snaked their way around my back-side.

Vinnie helped me take off my bathrobe and then proceeded to lay it down on the floor next to the bed.

Feeling tight around his crotch, he began to remove his leather pants and once he did that, I put my hand down on Vinnie's briefs, finally freeing his hard cock.

The guitarist quickly removed his shirt, and then laid it down to the side next to my bathrobe.

I looked up at him before moving over so I could lie down on my back.

Vinnie crawled up my body, and pressed wet kisses against my abdomen, chest, collarbone, neck and jaw, until he finally reached my lips.

When he saw how wet my womanhood was, his erection became more intense

"Babe. I want you so fucking bad".

"I want you too, Vinnie".

I said, and grinded my hips down against his, something that tore a soft moan from his lips.

Vinnie lowered himself in order to place a soft kiss against my lips.

He was hard right beneath my wet, warm folds.

Then, he slowly entered me nice and slow, feeling his erection fill me up.

A loud moan escaped my lips.

Vinnie rocked my hips against his, feeling as if I couldn't stop myself now.

"Fuck! Fu- Fuck, Viiiinnnie"!

I was basically screaming, feeling his cock hit me just right.

Vinnie arched his back as I called out his name, his hips thrusting upwards into me.

He kept riding me through his and my own orgasms, until I was done.

Breathlessly, I laid on his chest and tried to catch my breath.

Vinnie gently moved to place his hands on my hips, his fingers tracing small circles against my skin.

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