Backstage with KISS-Chapter Fifty-Five (Kiss Oneshot #16)

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(*May 3rd, 1975*)

It was the night of a KISS concert, and the band were putting on their makeup and costume.

Gene needed help with putting the straps together, and he asked me for help.

"You're too tall. And I'm too short".

Was what I said to him.

"What bout' Peter"?

Ace asked.

"You're tall enough to reach his shoulders. Why not help him with his Catman costume"?

Paul suggested.

I looked over at the KISS drummer and saw that Peter was already halfway dressed, but he needed help with pulling the front part of his costume up towards his sides.

"Okay, I'll try".

I walked over to the Catman and held up his arms in the right direction so his costume was in the right place.

After that, he sat down in a chair and faced the vanity, and then handed me a brush.

I gently brushed his locks, making sure that each and every strand got some attention.

While I was busy, Peter had his eyes closed.

He seemed to be enjoying himself and the way I was brushing his hair made him feel relaxed.

At that moment, the other guys heard me humming quietly to the tune of Beth.

Peter was so relaxed and content that he started to purr.

I stopped humming after a few minutes so I could focus on what I was doing.

After about fifteen minutes, the scent of the hairspray that I had put in his hair woke him up.

"Oh, did I fall asleep"?

Peter looked up at me and then saw that Gene, Paul, and Ace were watching us.

"Yeah, you sure did".

Ace chuckled.

"I didn't know that you could purr like a cat".

I said to Peter.

"Yeah, it usually happens when I'm feeling relaxed or something like that".

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