Firework Prank-Chapter Thirty-One (Kiss Oneshot #8)

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Today, was the Fourth of July, as well as America's birthday.

I was going to prank the band by placing 10,000 fireworks in their front yard.

While the guys were out shopping for some party supplies, I went to go and set up my prank.

Once I made a trip to Walmart to buy 10,000 fireworks, I brought them back to the Starchild's home.

And then, I set up everything in a safe way so that nothing would catch on fire.

After finally getting done with that part, I received a text from Paul.

He told me that he and the guys were on their way back.

"Okay, let's get my camera set up so I can record their reaction".

In just about ten to fifteen minutes, I had set up my camera.

I pressed the red "record" button, and then began to talk to the KISS Army.

"Hey guys, it's me again! I hope y'all are having fun on the Fourth of July".

Soon, the KISS fans were joining in and they were super excited about it.

"I'm going to prank KISS with about 10,000 fireworks by lighting them up whenever they pull into the driverway".

I then looked up and saw the guys coming in their private vehicle.

"Okay, everyone. Get ready for some action".

I quickly took out a lighter and lit up the fuse on the firework.

"Here we go"!

I whispered excitedly to the fans.

In just a few seconds, the fireworks came to life and lots of loud noises came out of nowhere.

"What the hell"?!

Gene jumped back as he almost got hit with a few sparks.


Paul was screaming while trying to make his way to safe place, while Tommy Thayer and Eric Singer were trying to avoid getting hit.

I laughed while watching them all running around in different directions.

After a while, all the fireworks had been used up.

The guys were coughing from all the leftover smoke that was in the air.

Then, they carefully made their way towards the house.

Once they could breathe properly, I snuck in by climbing through a window.

"Hey guys! How was your trip? Did you get enough things for the party"?

I spoke up with excitement and enthusiasm.

Paul could see that I pointing my camera at him and he cleared his throat.

"Yeah, we've got a whole bunch of different stuff".

He said, and then heard me giggling.

"But where did all those fireworks come from"?

Tommy asked, as he watched the smoke that was still in the air.

"I don't know".

I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"Please just tell us what happened, sweetheart".

Paul said to me politely.

So, that's exactly what I did.

I told the band about how I went to Walmart to buy 10,000 fireworks and then, I used them to prank them when they pulled into the driveway".

" did what"?

Tommy was surprised to hear what I just said, and so was Gene.

"That's not a very safe thing to do".

Paul told me, but I just laughed at him.

"It was just a prank. Don't be such a sissy, Starchild".

I playfully teased him, and then ran back outside to clean the mess.

"Wow. She's a real flirt, isn't she"?

Eric Singer said with a chuckle.

Gene laughed at the Catman's comment, and Tommy just shook his head while smiling.

"We'll get her back one day".

Paul said, and laughed along with Gene.

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