Haters Gonna Hate-Chapter Twenty-Seven (Vinnie Vincent One shot)

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I scrolled through the internet looking through the pictures.

In just a few days, the negative comments began to appear on all my social media accounts.

I was getting fed up with the nasty comments and Vinnie could see that it was affecting my mood.

All I had wanted to do was to share some pictures with my cat and a few of Vinnie's dogs who were excited to join in on the selfies that I had posted online.

As I looked through the comments, I saw more and more of them that were really cruel and hurtful.

When Vinnie saw it, his protective instincts kicked in.

I had never seen this side of him, but it was really sweet.

"Don't look at those, babe. They don't matter".

Vinnie gently took my phone from me as a way to take my attention away from the online negativity.

Deep inside, I knew that he was right.

Later on, while we were watching a movie on TV, my began to vibrate continuously with the multiple notifications from my social media apps.

I tried to ignore it, but it was getting difficult.

Finally, Vinnie decided to see what all the commotion was about, and when saw all the mean comments, he blocked them.

"If we don't give them a reply to their comments, then they won't get a reaction".

The guitarist said to me, as he gave me my phone back.

I nodded my head without saying a word.

As we snuggled closer with each other, Cinnamon proceeded to jump up onto the couch, and then, she curled up into my lap.

Vinnie's dogs came in and they decided to lie down on the floor next to us.

I smiled as one of them began licking my hand after reaching out to pet the dog.

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