It's Okay, I'm Here-Chapter Forty-Nine (Kiss Oneshot #14)

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Paul Stanley and Vinnie Vincent have been arguing all afternoon.

I hated it when they did that.

"I am so done with your attitude."

Paul growled, holding his ground.

"My att- Paul, you're a damn diva!"

Vinnie rolled his eyes, refusing to back down,

"At least I have the fucking balls to own up to being a difficult person all while dealing with you!"


"You are so fucking difficult to put up with,"

Vinnie continued, ignoring Paul's attempt to speak,

"I try so fucking hard to keep my mouth shut, because contrary to popular belief, I actually enjoy my job. Outside of the band, sure, you can be a jerk sometimes, but when it's band business? You're an asshole, a fucking control freak asshole!"

"I- I-"

Paul muttered, face turning red in anger.

"No, you're listening to me!"

Vinnie stopped him again with a snarl.

"You always talk over me, push my ideas away- We used to fucking write together and now you- you've turned into a monster!"

"Don't you fucking dare- !"

Paul yelled, fists balling at his sides.

"Too. Fucking. Late."

Vinnie grit his teeth,

"All you do is treat me like I'm less than dirt!"


Paul started, but Vinnie could see something in Paul's eyes, something flicker there that wasn't in them before.

"I won't be treated like this anymore, especially not by you".

Vinnie told him, voice dead serious.

"I'm sick of it and won't tolerate it."

"You- you- you fuckin'-

Paul couldn't seem to get his words out and Vinnie smirked.

"What's wrong? Cat's got your tongue or something?"

Vinnie snickered, enjoying the fact that he was causing the mortification Paul had to be feeling,

"Does the great Paul Stanley, have nothing to say? No back talk? No snide comments? No- HEY!"

Vinnie was cut off suddenly, violently, as he found himself shoved into a wall.

Paul's hands gripping his shoulders harshly, the singer's entire frame heaving, face so close that not only could Vinnie feel Paul's breath on him, but his body was pressed tight to his own.

"Wh- Paul what-?"

Vinnie's eyes widened as he gasped, unable to move due to Paul's firm hold on him.

I ran in just in time to see the Starchild pinning Vinnie to the wall.


My voice echoed through out the entire building.

"Stay out of it, you damn slut".

Paul glared at me.

I was taken aback by his own choice of words.

And so was Vinnie.

The Ankh Warrior narrowed his eyes at the frontman.

"You really don't know how to treat a woman the right way, do you"?

He said.

"What's that supposed to mean"?

Paul asked in an angry voice.

"It means that you're nothing but a piece of shit".

I crossed my arms while glaring at him.

"You take back, you stupid bitch"!

The very pissed off Starchild hollered at me.

Soon, Gene and Eric had came in after hearing all the commotion.

"Paul, you need to calm down, man"!

Eric Carr tried to reason with him.

"No, I won't"!

"Shut up Starchild"!

Almost instantly, I felt a slap to the face, and it made me stumble backwards.

Vinnie couldn't believe it.

"Paul, what the fucking hell is wrong with you"?!

But he didn't answer.

The rest of us all watched as Paul left the room, stomping his feet like a spoiled brat.

I felt like crying as the pain on my left cheek began to increase.

Vinnie felt bad for me, and then he offered me his comfort.

I immediately ran over and he wrapped his arms around me into a hug.

"'s going to be okay. I'm here".

The lead-guitarist gently hushes me, as I cried.

I refused to leave his side for the rest of the day.

"What he did to her was not right".

Eric Carr said to Gene

"I know. Paul was the one in the wrong, not F/n".

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