Hunting-Chapter Sixteen (Gene Simmons Oneshot)

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I woke up early to eat a quick breakfast and then I packed up my hunting gear.

Paul, Tommy, and Eric were all fast asleep in the guest rooms.

Gene and his girl Shannon were asleep in their own bedroom.

"Ready to go hunting, Snippy"?

I asked Gene's dog, who was wagging her tail happily.

Together, me and Snippy went outside and I borrowed one of Gene's cars to drive to the wooded area.

Once we got to the woods, I put on my camouflage jacket and my bright orange hat.

Gene's dog panted with excitement as I grabbed a big sheet and used it to hide the Demon's expensive vehicle so it was hidden among the area.

The sheet was also camouflage, just like my hunting outfit.

I grabbed my hunting license and then me and the dog set off for a good spot to hunt for woodland critters.

Snippy soon caught the scent of a rabbit and then I commanded the canine to track it down.

Two seconds later, the dog growled as two cotton tailed rabbits came out of their hiding spots.

The dog barked and began to chase the rabbits down the field.

I quickly loaded up some bullets into my gun, aimed it at the rabbits, and shot them.

"Good girl, doggie"!

I walked over to Snippy and she licked my face when I gave her a treat as a reward.

While we hunted in the woods, we killed several different kinds of animals

A bobcat, another rabbit, and even a possum.

Somebody who lived in the area caught it in a live trap and let me keep the possum.

It was about almost 9:30 a.m when I arrived back at Gene's house.

In the kitchen, Shannon was making breakfast for everyone.

Nick and Sophie were sitting at the table reading magazines.

"Here girl! Come here".

Gene whistled, looking for the dog.

Paul was out for a morning run and he happened to see me walking around the pool.

"Gene! There she is"!

Eric called out, pointing to me.

Snippy was happy to see Gene, Shannon, and their two kids.

"Where the hell have you been all morning"?

Gene asked me.

I laughed at him, and then threw a tennis ball for Snippy to fetch.

She happily ran after the toy and then brought it back to me and I petted her.

"I went hunting with your dog, silly. And we caught a bunch".

I held up the animals that I had killed in the woods.

"And you borrowed one of the very expensive cars that belong to Gene"?

Tommy questioned.

"Yeah, how else was I supposed to get there"?

I shrugged my shoulders with another laugh.

Shannon came outside to tell us that breakfast was ready.

"No need to get all worked up, Mr. Simmons. It's just a car".

Shannon and I laughed at Gene when he put his hands on his face in disbelief.

"But that's my car. She took it without my permission".

Gene protested, but neither me or Shannon were listening to what he had to say.

After that, Paul and Eric were helping me skin the animals that I hunted.

I was going to sell the animal skins and make money off of them when the people who make clothing and women's purses out of them.

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