The Starchild Is Sad-Chapter Eight (Kiss x Reader)

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Kiss were backstage getting ready for rehearsals.

I noticed that Paul wasn't feeling too happy at the moment.

My gut instincts were correct because I saw him run to the bathroom right after an hour had passed.

"What's wrong Starchild"?

I asked, walking into the bathroom.

He was in one of the stalls.

"Can't I have a little privacy in here please"?

Paul fussed at me.

I was startled at his attitude towards me.

After he was done, I heard the toilet flush.

The Starchild walked out of the bathroom, and I followed him to the dressing room.

"Go away, I want to be alone".

Paul sat down at the vanity and began to check to make sure that his makeup was still there on his face.

"Paul, I know something's bothering you. Tell me what's going on".

I walked into the dressing room, closing the door and locking it behind me.

"It's n-nothing, alright"?

He grumbled, and turned away in his chair to face ten other direction.

But I wasn't buying it.

I walked over to him and grabbed his hand.

"Did somebody make fun of you because of your microtia again"?


"Is it because of Ace and Peter"?

Paul frowned, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"What about Ace and Peter"?

He asked.

I had him stand up so he could look at me.

"Then, what is it"?

I looked at him in the eye.

"Look, I'm sorry about my attitude. It's just that I've been really insecure about myself, I'm deaf on one ear, I was a lonely child growing up in Queens".

Seeing him talk about that made me feel really bad about him.

"I'm disabled too, you know"?

I smiled, and held his hand again, giving it a gentle squeeze.

Paul was surprised.


"Yeah, I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was five years old".

I replied, and then we heard the familar sound of Ace's cackling that was coming from outside the dressing room door.

"Heya Paulie! Let us in"!

Peter knocked on the door with his fist.

"Yeah, we gotta get ready for rehearsal! ACK"!

Ace answered back.

"Are you having sex with F/n in there, Paul"?

Gene asked, making me blush like crazy.

Paul had to chuckle at how adorable I looked when I was feeling shy.

He then went to go unlock the door to let the guys in.

"And no, we weren't having sex. She's not ready yet, remember"?

All four of the guys watched as I nodded my head without saying a word.

But then I start laughing sheepishly, and Ace and Peter snickered.

"You guys are a bunch of knuckleheads".

I giggled, and they all laughed at his funny it was.

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