What Happens After A Kiss Concert-Chapter Twelve (Vinnie Vincent x Author)

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(*March 14, 1984*)


It was a spectacular night because Kiss was in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil to play concerts for all the Brazilian fans.

Vinnie Vincent had recently lost his wife Ann Marie after she was kidnapped and murdered by another man.

This left the poor Ankh Warrior sad and heart-broken.

And then, one afternoon after the band rehearsals, Vinnie met a pretty girl and it was love at first sight.

Gene and Paul were surprised that the lead guitarist was able to find another girlfriend so quickly.

Vinnie and I became almost inseparable.

I always hung out with the band in the dressing room before a show.

While we were in Brazil however, Vinnie and I often went to night clubs because it was a popular thing to do.

I loved dressing up in beautiful outfits to show off my hips and make Vinnie blush.

Once we were all ready to go back to the U.S, Kiss went on a private jet to get through the large crowd of excited fans.

Vinnie rode with me in the very back seats in the jet.

We often had a make out session or two when we were alone.

Eric Carr liked to tease Vinnie about our relationship, but the Fox kept it playful.

"Vinnie and (F/N) sitting in a tree.


First comes love, then comes marriage.

Then, comes Vinnie with a baby carriage"!

Paul and Gene were howling with laughter.

Sometimes as our revenge, Vinnie and I would pull pranks on the others.

Like when we got to another place in Brazil, we sneaked into the bathroom and flushed the toilet to make the water cold.

Eric Carr was taking a shower when he felt the freezing water on his poofball hair.

"Gene?! Are you serious"?

Eric pouted.

Gene came and said that he wasn't the one who flushed the toilet.

Me and Vinnie had already snuck back to our room so we wouldn't get caught.

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