Organizing Things-Chapter Twenty-Six (Vinnie Vincent Oneshot)

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It was just three days after Easter, and I was organizing my stuff.

The dogs were curious about what I had stored away in cardboard boxes and every now and then, they'd stick their noses into the box to see what was inside.

"Hey, don't mess with my stuff, you silly puppy-dogs"!

I laughed as one of the smaller canines had made an attempt to grab something.

Vinnie came into the room to see what his beloved animals were doing.

He found me trying to get my old blanket away from one of smaller the dogs.

"I'll help you, babe".

The guitarist said to me as he walked over to the animal.

He picked it up in his arms and gently opened its mouth to free my old blanket from it's grip.

Upon seeing that, I graciously took my blanket back, and smiled at Vinnie while thanking him.

The smaller dog was still curious about everything that I owned, and proceeded to sniff around the box.

"Mmmhm. Don't touch".

Vinnie said to the dog as he shook his head.

I let out a giggle before grabbing a few Halloween decorations and setting them down to the side on the floor next to me.

Vinnie's attention to the scary-looking objects made him feel uneasy.

He really didn't like those kinds of things.

"What's the matter, Vinnie"?

I asked him, placing whatever I was holding in my hand onto the floor.

"I'm not comfortable with that".

He told me, referring to the Halloween decorations that were just a few feet away from us.

I looked at them in confusion for a second or two, before remembering that Vinnie wasn't fond of anything to do with horror movies.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Sorry Vinnie".

I apologized, and then proceeded to put away my Halloween decorations.

After finding some old newspaper, I wrapped them up so they wouldn't get broken.

Having them displayed around the house would only make him feel more afraid.

The guitar shredder let out a sigh of relief when he saw that the Halloween decorations were put away.

Then, my cat Cinnamon wandered into the room.

Upon seeing that Vinnie was with me, she slowly walked towards him.

"Hey Cinnamon! Whatcha doing"?

I excitedly grinned, as the cat made her towards me.

Vinnie had to chuckle as he watched me interact with my cat.

He understood perfectly how much I loved Cinnamon because she was my baby, and he had the same bond and connection with his dogs.

I opened up another box and took out some pictures of me as a child, and looking at one of them put a smile on my face.

Vinnie found himself looking over my shoulder to see what I was smiling at.

"That's me".

I pointed with my finger.

The guitarist saw how small I was back then.

Cinnamon was lying down on the tissue paper that I had used to keep the breakable stuff I owned safe.

She then began to groom herself, licking her paw and the rest of her fur with her sand-paper tongue.

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