Helping A Spaced-Out Spaceman-Chapter Forty (Ace Frehley Oneshot)

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(*July 15, 1974*)

It was the end of yet another KISS concert and I was waiting for Paul, Gene, Peter, and Ace to come back to the dressing room.

They needed to remove their makeup before we left so the fans wouldn't recognize them.

After a few minutes, Paul and Peter were the first ones to walk in.

"Heeey, darling! How you doing'"?

Paul said in his Starchild voice, pulling me into a hug, his attitude making me laugh a little bit.

"I'm fine, thank you".

Just then, Gene and Bill Acuoin came in.

Without Ace.

"Does anybody have the slightest idea where Ace went"?

The Demon asked.

"We thought he was with you".

Peter answered back, pointing at Gene.

As we all stood there thinking about what to do next, I remembered something.

"Ace told me before the show that he wanted to go to a party".

I spoke up.

"Then, we better get ourselves cleaned up and find him before the groupies get there first".

Paul said, and quickly sat down at the vanity and began to wash away the makeup from his face.

"And he's still on probation after the cops pulled him over for speeding".

Gene added.


Peter nodded his head.

Meanwhile, Ace Frehley had been taken all the way to a party that was happening somewhere in New York City.

The groupies were touching and clinging onto him as they were about to do sexy things with him.

Ace knew that he was still on probation, and he wasn't allowed to drink any kind of alcohol or he'd find himself in even more trouble with the law.

"Ohhh Acccce, you're so hoooot"!

"Let's get fucked up"!

One of the groupies began to hump on the Spaceman's crotch and Ace was trying hard not to let himself go.

He didn't want to end up having sex with the groupies because he didn't want to feel like he was taking advantage of them.

But it was becoming more and more difficult as his rock hard cock was hardening.

"Ohhh shiiit...I gotta get get outta here"!

Ace tried to get up and run away, but the groupies only giggled and held him back.

And then, they started to undress him.

The spaceman could feel himself sweating as he tried to resist the temptation.

Then, out of nowhere, the door slammed open and in came me, Paul, Gene, and Peter.

"Holy shit! They're trying to fuck him up"!

Peter yelled as he ran towards the lead-guitarist.

"Get off of him"!

I hollered, and began to push the groupies.

"He's on probation"!

Paul said, as he and Peter tried to pull Ace out of the situation.

"Fuck off, you dirty Jew"!

One of the groupies spat her saliva at the Starchild.

This made Paul feel hurt and upset.

I was REALLY pissed off, now.


I punched the groupies and made them fall to the floor.

Once they were knocked out, me and the guys helped Ace with leaving the party.

We quickly made it to the hotel we were all staying in after the concert.


That was a close one.


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