Reunion Tour Makeover-Chapter Ten (Peter Criss Oneshot #2)

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It was March 13, 1997.

I was touring with Kiss as they were on their Reunion Tour.

Doc McGhee was their new manager, and Tommy Thayer became the tour manager.

Tommy was a nice guy, he was a big KISS fan at heart and a fun person to be around with on a day off.

One night, after the famous four had finished a concert for more than a thousand people, a crashing sound was heard.

It was coming from Peter's hotel room.

I walked out of my room and went to go find Paul.

"Starchild, I heard a loud noise".

I called, knocking on the frontman's hotel room door.

Paul unlocked the door and then opened it.

"What's going on"?

He asked me.

I saw that was dressed in sweat pants and he had no shirt on.

"I think there's something going on in Peter's room. Let's go see"!

I tugged on his arm and together, we walked down the hallway.

The sounds became louder as we got closer to Peter's room.

Doc McGhee came running towards us.

"Peter's mad about something, I think we'd better go and find out what it was".

He said to us.

I heard glass plates breaking and then when we got to Peter, he was throwing a fit.

"Be careful. He's got a bad temper".

Paul whispered, as I slowly walked towards the Catman.

Gigi, his new girlfriend at the time, was nowhere to be found.


I stuttered, feeling nervous as hell about this.


Peter hollered, punching the wall with his fist.

There was a small hole in the wall.

I hope that the hotel manager would not see that.

"What did they not do"?

I asked.

"They didn't clean my room! Goddamit! Are you fucking dumb or something?! Huh"?!

Hearing the drummer yell at me made me feel like crying because it hurt my feelings.

"B-b-but you didn't put sign up on your door. You know, the one that says that you allow the hotel staff to clean your room".

I answered back, while trying to be brave.

Peter looked up at me with a face that was as red as tomato.

He stomped towards the door and I panicked and accidentally fell backwards.

The Catman then realized that he indeed had forgotten to put the right sign on his door.

He took a deep breath and exhaled out slowly.

Then, he heard me crying.

I was scared and then my whole entire body shook with fear as Peter walked over to me.

He extended out a hand and helped me stand back up on my own feet.

"I-I'm sorry. I d-didn't mean to—".

I sobbed, more tears were streaming down my cheeks.

"No. I am the one who should be apologizing. I've been having a shitty attitude ever since the reunion tour started. Ever since I left KISS, everything has been really bad for me and lately, I've found myself in many bad places and then I lost my motivation to play the drums".

Peter spoke to me in a more gentle manner then he had been for a while.

He had finally admitted to why he wasn't feeling well and happy with his life.

I wiped my tears away with the side of my hand.

"I was wondering why you weren't feeling like yourself".

Outside Peter's hotel room, Paul and Doc McGhee were listening to everything that has been said.

They all were beginning to understand.

And from that day on, I would be the one that they would come to if they had a problem outside the band.

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