Chapter Twenty Five

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p.s., not very vital to the plot, I just thought some Snupin time would be nice.

"I want to go on a date," Remus said suddenly as they were grading first years' essays. "Like, a real one."

Severus stared for a moment. "Like... Like, where..."

The wolf chuckled. "Yes, Severus. Like when people who love each other very much go and to romantic things. We don't even have to technically go anywhere, I just thought it'd be nice."

Severus nodded. "I think I'd like that... What would we do?"

Remus ruffled his boyfriend's hair playfully. "I'll give you a date and where to go, all right? Let me take care of everything else."

Severus set his pile of papers down, having finished his grading, and leaned against Remus. He pulled the hood of Remus' hoodie, which he 'borrowed', over his head. "Love you."

"Love you, too."


"All right, Harry," Severus said. "Are you ready to spend some time with Tommy?"

Harry nodded happily, he missed his friend very much. "Tommy! I getta play with 'im all day!?"

"Not all day, bambi, just this evening," Severus said, chuckling because it was already five o clock. "No going outside, okay? We don't want you getting sick again and your jacket is being washed, so stay inside."

"Okay Daddy!" Harry exclaimed. "Treacle tart!?"

"You may have one when you are with Tommy, Harry."

"Why're you dressing up Daddy?" Harry asked. 

Severus quickly tied his hair back before answering, "Because, bambi, I'm going out." He brushed his ponytail before tying it into a bun.

"Pretty," Harry said quietly. "Can I have long hair like yours?"

Severus chuckled. "Your hair is long, bambi," he said, looking in the mirror at Harry's chin length hair. "Why? Do you want it longer?"

"I dunno... I wanna be able to put it in a ponytail!"

"You probably could, bambi. I'll try once I'm done with myself." He strode over to wardrobe, which was open, and stared. "Oh Merlin, I'm about to ask a five year old what to wear to my date..." he muttered to himself. "Harry, come and help me please?"

Harry slid off the bed and ran to stand next to Severus. "What?"

"What should I wear?"

"Hmm... I like this one!" Harry said, pointing to a black turtleneck. "With these!" He picked out a pair of Muggle jeans from the very bottom pile.

"Black skinny jeans?" Severus said in disbelief. "I haven't worn those in years... Doubt they'll even fit."

"Where'd you get them?" Harry asked. "They don' look like the rest of your clothes."

"Lucy gave them to me to wear as a dare, Bambi. Still, I'm not sure they'll fit. Well, I'll have to try, right? Anything else?"

"Uh..." Harry shook his head. "No."

"Well, I do have to pick a shirt."

Severus disappeared into his bathroom and Harry sat back on the bed, set on finishing his picture.

"All right, Harry, how to I look?" 

Harry looked up from his picture. "Pretty!" he exclaimed. "I like it!"

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