Chapter Eight

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It had been three weeks.

It had been three weeks, almost on the dot, since Severus had sent in the paper work. After an excruciating twenty one days, five hearings (none of which they forced Harry to attend, thank Merlin), and Vernon Dursley being sentenced to ten years in a Muggle prison, one month in Azkaban, an owl came while Harry and him were finishing breakfast.

Normally, school would have started by then, but after a quick chat with the Headmaster about how he needed two weeks for 'personal reasons', Dumbledore had agreed to school starting two weeks later, in turn for it ending two weeks later as well. How he was going to tell Harry, he had no idea, and he was sure they would have to work out something.

"Daddy, what's 'at for?" Harry asked after his last bite. "I believe it is for the adoption..."

"Do you think I getta stay with you?" Harry asked quietly. They were both staring at the envelope until Severus opened it. He read it once. Then twice. Then a third time for good measure.

He smiled.

"Your mine, Harry. You are officially my son," he said. "Th-that means... I get to stay here forever?! Like forever and ever and ever?!" Severus nodded and stood to pick up Harry, resting him on his hip. "Forever and ever and ever, my Harry."

He felt arms wrap around his neck and returned the embrace, kissing Harry's forehead and hair. "Forever."

He soon felt tears on his neck, and pulled back. "Hey, what's wrong?" he asked, brushing the black curls out of Harry's face. "Nuffin. I just get to stay with you! I never ever haffta go back!" Harry exclaimed. "You promise, right? I never haffta go back?" His voice got quiet, like he was in doubt.

"I swear to you, as long as I am breathing, you will never stay there again," Severus promised. They stood like that for at least ten minutes, in a tight embrace, swaying back and forth slightly. 

Until the fire blared unexpectedly, and Dumbledore walked out.


Severus looked up, and saw Dumbledore standing in the sitting room. "Albus Dumbledore. To what do I owe the pleasure?" he asked sarcastically. "I have just received an owl this morning, stating the oddest of things, that you had adopted the Potter boy?"

He felt Harry squirm, and loosened his grip a bit. "Well, I have, Albus. I see nothing wrong with that."

"Oh, but I do." Dumbledore's usually calm, happy voice was cold and hard with anger.

"Daddy... I don't like him," Harry whispered. "Shh, baby, he won't take you. He just doesn't like me that much."

"Severus, give me the boy," Dumbledore said. "He was never yours to take. He must go back to his family. Give him here, Severus." Dumbledore started to walk towards them, arms out; Severus walked back towards the bedrooms.

He could feel Harry start to shake. "No. I legally adopted him. There is no reason for me to give him to you, back to those animals. I gave them my memories, of when I was a 'Death Eater'. You have nothing against me."

"Sev... don't let him take me."

"Harry, can you be my brave boy and go in my room for a little bit?" Harry shook his head. Well, it was worth a try. "Harry, don't you think it would be nice to go to your family? I'm sure they're worried sick about you!"

Harry shook his head. "No... no, no. I wanna stay with Daddy."

Severus noticed the flash of anger on his face. "Your daddy? Harry, child, your dad died a few years ago..."

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