Chapter One

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Harry slowly crawled out from out of his cupboard, tears and blood streaming down his face. "Y-yes U-Uncle V-V-Vernon?" He said, looking up at his uncle who was towering over him. "I found your blood on my floor, boy. What have you got to say for yourself?" Vernon said with a menacing grin. Harry tensed, knowing what was to come. "I'm sorry, U-Uncle Vernon... It w-won't happen again..." Harry felt a familiar sting against his cheek, and he bit back a sob. 

"Come." His uncle said shortly, and started to walk, well, more like waddle, up the stairs, and Harry whimpered as he scurried after due to the large gash in his leg. "U-Uncle Vernon... please... I promise..."

"Shirt. Off." His uncle disregarded the last remark from Harry as he took off his belt and folded it in half. Harry did as he was told, shivering from the mysterious cold. "Bed, you know what to do." Harry laid face-up on the bed and scrunched his eyes closed, bracing for impact. He knew it would come, but not when, and that was a terrifying thing to know. 


The sound rang through the room for a moment as Harry felt the belt his his chest and stomach, but he would not cry. Not this time. Over time, he learned that the more he cried, the harsher his 'Uncle' would punish him. Another loud CRACK! sounded, and with it another wound.

This continued for hours on end,  until black spots danced in front of Harry's vision, and Vernon stopped. "This should teach you a lesson, boy, unless you want some fun time tomorrow. Understand?" Vernon said aggressively, making the small boy flinch and nod. "Yes, Uncle Vernon..."

"Good. Now, back to your cupboard. And don't think I forgot what tomorrow is, freak." Harry felt a small ray of hope in his chest get drowned out by an ocean of fear. Tomorrow was his birthday, meaning he would most likely get 'fun time' anyway. Harry could only give him a meek nod, as he felt that if he spoke he would start sobbing. With that, he made his way down the stairs, painfully, and into his cupboard. He heard the many locks being put into place, and when he heard the Dursley family go upstairs and into bed, he finally let out the breath he had been holding, small sobs along with it.

Let me die... He thought, just wanting the pain to go away. Please let me die, God... Please, let a robber come and kill me...

Harry clutched his chest in one hand, where there was another large gash, bleeding profusely. Harry let his eyes close, hoping he would not fall asleep, and that the pain in his leg would go away. Sleep was a dangerous thing for Harry Potter, as he never knew when the Dursley's would want him to do something, so he always had to be prepared. 

He fell into a half-sleep despite his urges to stay awake, where he saw a pretty woman with long, red wavy hair and bright green eyes, and a dazzling smile. Harry felt a strange pull towards her as she danced barefoot in the grass. "Mummy..." He whispered. When he said that, she stopped, and smiled softly at him. "Yes, Harry. I'm your mum."

Harry let out a gasp when she caressed his cheek lightly, stroking his hair. "I love you so much, baby... Don't forget the, Harry. Mummy loves you, no matter what." She planted a soft kiss on his forehead, and with that she went away in a spiral of green and high, screeching laughter. He saw his mum on the floor, her eyes open, staring back at him, but they no longer had the life they had just a moment ago. "Mummy!" He screamed. "Wake up! Wake up, mummy! Please wake up!!!" Harry sobbed, his chubby fingers grabbing at the bars of the crib he was in. Why he was in a crib he did not know, but it was keeping him from his mum, so he hated it. "Please wake up..."

Harry jolted awake, heart beating fast. "Mummy," he breathed out, and he started sobbing, not caring about the noise he was making. He was sobbing so loud, he didn't hear someone treading towards his cupboard until the locks were being unlocked and the door flew open.

There stood Aunt Petunia, a look of concern on her face. Harry stopped sobbing and backed into his cupboard, afraid of what the woman would do to him now. "Harry, what's wrong?" She said softly. Harry could not believe what he was hearing, but decided he could trust her. "Mummy... mummy wouldn't wake up..." Harry whispered as tears blurred his vision once more. "Come, child."

Harry slowly crawled to the door of the cupboard, where he felt strong arms wrap around him in a comforting fashion. "Harry, I am so sorry for what he does to you. If I could I would stop him," Petunia whispered in his ear. "I'm afraid too, but you must be quiet, okay? Would you like a teddy?" Harry nodded into her shoulder, and was put down on the small mattress as she quietly slipped up the stairs, and Harry was left to wonder what had happened. She had never been nice, nor mean to him, but had never done this. She was always just... there, like he wasn't.

He was shocked out of his trance was a soft bear fell into his lap. "This stays in your cupboard. Do you understand?" Harry nodded slowly. "Now, try your best to be quiet. I will try to get him out of the house tomorrow so he won't have a chance to do anything, though I can not promise. Good night."

She shut the door before he could reply, and he buried his head in the soft fur of the teddy. "Lily." He named her out loud, liking how the name sounded. "I love you too, mummy." He whispered before drifting off into a deep, undisturbed sleep.

*                                                 *                                                *

"Harry, quick, wake up!"

Harry opened his eyes to see Petunia in his face, panting. "Get out, now. Put the bear under your bed. Vernon's angry." She warned as Harry quickly did as he was told, fear swallowing him.

"Boy, Pet has told me that me and Dudley are to have an outing today... How I forgot I can't imagine, but this means we can have fun time this morning, before we leave, considering you were asleep and didn't make us breakfast. Come!" He barked, and Harry followed, terrified, until he fell to the floor, clutching his right ankle. He let out a gasp of pain and looked up at his Uncle. "And what do you think you're doing, boy?!" He screamed, pulling Harry's hair in his fat fist. "S-sir, my l-leg hurts... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!" Harry stood the best he could, gripping a railing for support.  

"Oh, shut up-"

"Vernon, wait," Petunia interrupted. "Think, if he can't walk, he can't do our chores, or make Duddykins breakfast."

"Hmm... good thinking, pet. Freak! Back in your cupboard! You can heal for one day, only one day, but don't think you're getting out of your punishment for this!" Vernon snarled and whacked Harry on the back of the head, sending him to the floor once more. "Cupboard, now!"

Harry quickly got to his cupboard, closing the door himself, hoping it would prove as some sort barrier between him and the Dursley's. He pulled out Lily, and hid his face from the world. 

Please, let someone save me.

Or just let me die.

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