Chapter Ten

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Harry's lower lip quivered as he tried not to cry out. He hated this. 

"No! I won't go!" Harry cried as Severus tried to hand him to Madame Pomfrey. "Harry, please?" Severus pleaded. Harry shook his head frantically and continued to latch on to him.

"Please, don't make me go! Please, I wanna stay with you!" The tears he was trying to hold back fell out in a heavy stream, pouring down his face. "Sev, please!?!"

"Harry, it's an adult meeting. I don't know if you can be there, otherwise I would take you, I promise-" Severus was about to say something else when the doors of the Hospital Wing doors flew open, and in walked Professor McGonagall. 

"Severus, I came to see what was taking you... This must be Harry?" She strode over and stood next to Madame Pomfrey. "Yes, well, he really doesn't want to leave..." Severus quickly explained. 

"You could always just... take him to the meeting?"

"I wasn't sure if Dumbledore would appreciate that, he was not pleased when he heard I had gotten legal custody of him... in fact he was rather pissed off."

Harry was watching the two adults with curiosity. "Sev... who's she?" he asked, a hint of worry in his voice.

"Minerva McGonagall. Just call her Minnie. She's nice, okay?" Harry nodded as they began talking once more.

"Are you sure I should take him with? I'm pretty sure Dumbledore would... oh, nevermind. Harry," Severus turned his attention to Harry, who listened expectantly. "I'll bring you with, but you have to be quiet, 'kay?" Harry nodded and frantically wiped his eyes and nose with his sleeve.

"'M sorry, Daddy."

"It's okay bambi. Minerva?" McGonagall nodded, and the two made their way to the meeting. They were able to slip in unnoticed until Dumbledore spotted the mass of jet black hair peeking out from Severus' robes.

"Severus and Harry, so lovely of you to join us," he snarled. Most of the staff instantly looked in Severus' way, each wondering about the raven haired boy.

"Dumbledore, let's not do this tonight," Severus growled in return.

"Why, I'm sure the rest of us are curious as to why you have him in the first place? It's not as if you've told anyone anything, well except for Lucius Malfoy of course." The staff nodded, though not saying anything.

"He had a bad childhood. If you know me, one like my own. I adopted him. Dumbles over there wants Harry to go back to his own personal hell hole. End of story." 

The staff look from Harry, to Severus, to Dumbledore.

"Well, surely that can't be true?" A short peaky wizard asked. Severus glared at Dumbledore as he spoke. "No, it's true, Flitwick. He got an owl the day the adoption was finalized, and came to my chambers, unannounced, and tried to take Harry back to his relatives."

"Dumbledore?!" Flitwick yelped. "Why would you do such a thing?!"

"Blood wards. You are all aware of this, the danger it puts the boy in not being there."

"Albus!" another staff member hissed. "Pomona, please, you must understand-"

"No. How dare you try and do that to a child!"

"What was this meeting for anyway? You haven't told any of us what's going on!" McGonagall asked. "Well, I wanted to let the staff aware, and... well, try to get Severus to understand-"

"Let's just call this off. We all know that none of us want Harry going back there. Most of us are aware of Severus' past, so we know what he means," McGonagall said. Every single staff member agreed, except for Dumbledore of course.

"Then we'll be going." 

Severus and Harry left, quickly going back to his quarters.

"Daddy, who were they?"

"Other teachers who work here. Harry, it's time for bed."


"No buts Harry. Daddy's tired." Severus quickly changed Harry into his pajamas and laid him in bed. "Daddy-"

"Harry, can you please sleep here tonight?" Harry shook his head. "Please?"

Tears filled Harry's eyes. "D-Daddy, please? I want to stay with you!" Severus let out a sigh.



"I... okay. Okay, you can sleep in my room." Severus brought Harry to his own room and set him on the bed. Hurriedly changing, he tried to ignore the nagging thought in his mind.

Would he be enough for Harry?

"Daddy?" Harry said when Severus laid down. "Hmm?"

"Las' night... I had a nightmare."

"Why didn't you come to me?" Severus asked. Harry shrugged. "I did, but you were doing school things."

"Come to me, even if I'm doing school stuff, okay?"

"Daddy... you died," Harry mumbled. "I thought..."

"Harry, it's okay. I'm not going anywhere." 

Harry curled into Severus' side and closed his eyes, falling asleep in a matter of seconds. Severus, thankfully, was able to fall asleep soon after.

Sorry, this is more of a filler. Next chapter will be much longer, though.

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