Chapter Seven

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Harry looked at the man as he stepped out of the fireplace. "Hello, Severus. And this must be Harry." The man, Lucius, turned to look at him, and Harry felt slightly scared. Even though he had expected it, he did look scary, as he looked muscular and very tall.

"Hello, Harry. I'm Lucius."

"H-Hi. Sev... said I-I could call you Lucy?" Harry asked quietly. Lucy sent a look to Severus, who chuckled. "That's okay if you want."

"So, Lucius? I have some questions for you, and maybe Harry does too, about the adoption." Harry slid from his chair and ran to Severus', crawling in his lap. Lucy sat in the chair across from them, and pulled a packet of paper from his pocket. Harry gawked at it, the pocket didn't seem that big!

"Magic, Harry. Magic," Severus whispered. "So, Severus, what are your questions?" Lucius asked.

"Well, how long does the process take, after filling out the papers?" Harry shifted so his legs were off the chair leg, and his head was resting on Sev's arm. "It usually takes a week at most. Earliest is three days, and you get an owl telling you to come into the Ministry, just to finalize everything."

"And do they need to know why the former guardians were unfit?"

"Well, yes. Not very in depth, but at least the base. And, as you know, you need guardian's permission to adopt." Harry tensed for a moment before curling in a ball. Of course, more people needed to know. Sev knowing was... okay, but these were strangers. Strangers who would know that he's a freak, a useless child.

"And if they deem me unfit? What happens then?" Sev sounded scared, for some reason unknown to Harry. "As much as I doubt that, it depends on if you can prove anything on the prior guardians. If you can, most likely foster care, since it's Mr. Potter, most likely a well known Light. If not, then unfortunately, the Ministry will take him back to them."

"I have to go back?!" Harry shot up and looked at Severus, scared that Severus had lied, scared he would have to go back. "No. Remember, I promised. You are never, ever going back there."

"But what if the thingy takes me away?! You said no one would! What if they do! I can't! I won't!" Harry started crying, he had to go back.

"Harry. Calm yourself. Deep breaths. Now, I promised to you that you would live with me, right?" Harry nodded slightly. "And that's what is going to happen. Even if I have to run somewhere else with you, away from here, you will never go back to them, or anywhere you don't want unless necessary. I mean like doctor visits, clothes shopping, or if a bad wizard comes, which is unlikely." The 'bad wizard' part made Harry worried. Were there many bad wizards?

"But those are deemed necessary. Okay?" Harry nodded and got back in his ball form, draping Severus' robes over him. He could here the two talking about something, God knows what, but he was not paying any attention to it. He was thinking of what would happen. What if he was taken away? Did he get a say in what would happen?

His mind was racing, questions forming, when Severus pulled him out and sat him on his lap. "Harry, Lucy here wants to know if you have any questions." He said softly. Harry looked at him, and noticed that Lucy didn't look so scary anymore. He nodded, and received a 'Go on' from Lucy.

"If they take me away... can I go with Poppy?" Harry mumbled. "Madam Pomphrey? Most likely, yes."

"And if I get to stay with Da- Sev, its for forever, right? I can't be taken away?" Another nod. "Adoption is final, you would be his son always. And what were you going to say before?"


"Well, is that all, Severus?" The packet flew to Severus' now open hand, and he began flipping through it. "Yes, that should be all. Harry, why don't you go play in your room for a little bit?" Severus asked. Harry didn't want to, but knew he probably should. He nodded, and slid off the chair, Lily in his hands. He walked to Sev's room instead, and began playing with Lily.

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