Chapter Twenty One.

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"Christmas?" Harry asked quietly. 

"Yes, Harry. Christmas is in a few weeks. Is there anything you want?" Severus asked. Harry cocked his head to one side in confusion.

"Want anything?"

"Yes... Harry, do you know anything about Christmas?"

"Yeah... You get people things that they'll like?"

"Right. But, you also get things from other people. Is there anything you want for Christmas? Like a new toy, or something?" 

Harry cuddled against Remus as he thought. 

"Ca' I have a new bed in Daddy's room?"

Damn you, Umbitch, Severus thought as he sighed. Ever since the whole deal with Umbridge, Harry had changed. The nightmares were worse. He wet the bed. Most nights, he would be found, trying to stay awake by playing with his toys on his bed, under his blanket.

The only 'good' thing to come out of it was that Harry had most definitely gotten closer to Lucius and Draco, though he was still rather shy around the young Malfoy.

"Oh, bambi..."

"I-I don' wanna stay in my room no more!"

"Why not?"

"C-Cause the mean lady's gonna take me away again!" Harry exclaimed.

"Harry... Oh, Harry... How about you sleep in my room for now? We'll figure it all out, but you still need your own room."


"Well, where else are your clothes and toys going to go?" Remus asked. "And where are you going to hide when we're playing hide and seek?"

"I dunno!"

"How about we go to a toy store today?" Remus suggested. "You can look around, and we'll make a list of things you maybe want?"

"You won't get everything on your list, and everything you get might not even be on your list, 'kay?" 

Harry nodded. "Okay... Do we hafta go now?" he mumbled. 

"No. We'll go after lunch."

"Daddy?" Harry moved from Remus' arms to Severus'. "The lady's gonna take me again, isn't she? She's gonna take me 'way forever, an' I'll never ever see you again..."

"Oh, bambi, that isn't true-"

"Yes it is! Sh-She's gonna take me away forever! A-And then I'mma hafta go back to Uncle and Auntie's!" His eyes welled up with tears. 

Severus felt like panicking. 

"Hey, no. No, she won't do that, you aren't back there!"  he exclaimed. "She went away, okay? What she did was illegal, she can't come near you ever again!"

Harry sniffled. "Y-Yes she w-will... Sh-she will, she'll c-come for me!"

"Harry, listen. She won't. She won't come for you. Ever. Never, ever, I promise."

"She can't, Harry," Remus joined in. "Severus is right. She can't, ever again. She went away, she's in jail."


"Yes, jail, so she can't come here."

"How about," Remus started. "We take a little vacation. We can just get away for a little bit, calm down, relax. It'll just be the three of us."


"Do you know what that is, Harry?" Severus asked, thankful Harry seemed to calm down a bit. The boy shook his head. He had heard of them before, he knew his old family went on them a lot.

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