Chapter Seventeen

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Y'all can thank me later...

"I think I like you more than I should."


Remus had ran to his quarters and stayed there, unless he had to help Severus with class or Harry. Severus tried to catch him alone? He had to use the loo. Harry tried to get him to stay over for the night? He'd pretend to fall asleep right away. He was desperately trying to come up with excuses not to talk, but we all know; excuses won't work forever.

It had been a week, and he got back to his quarters after dropping Harry with Minerva and Poppy, he was met with a certain raven-haired wizard waiting in his sitting room. "You're back," Severus pointed out.

"Yeah, I sort of live here... I'm sorry about what I said last weekend!"

He stood in front of Severus, waiting for his response. "You really like me?" His tone and expression made it impossible to tell what he was thinking. 

"I know I shouldn't!! A month ago, we were still fighting and petty and we weren't even friends, and I shouldn't because if we ever did anything and got into a fight and broke up or something I'd have to be in my quarters more often and you aren't gay so-"

"Shut up," Severus whispered. "You're right. A month ago we were fighting. We were petty. But that was October. This is November."

"What are you talking about?"

"Just because I never said I'm not gay doesn't I'm not."

"But Lily-"

"Is my sister. I was protective because James was an arse, and so was her sister. But you were right. I'm not gay." Remus' shoulders fell in disappointment.

"I like women... and men, Re."

He looked up slightly. "What?"

"I like women. But I also like men. And right now, I like one man in particular..." Remus sighed in defeat. This made Severus smirk. "You really are oblivious to the most obvious things, Re. I like one man in particular at the moment. He has honey brown hair, brown eyes, and beautiful scars. He's also right in front of me."

"You..." Remus whispered. "Me?"

"Yes, you, you prat. I had a crush on you, from sixth year to seventh. Then, it went away. Now, it's back."

"Me?" Remus repeated. His face was red, a few shades away from matching his dark red jumper. 

"Yes. You."

"Wait... wait... if we do anything, how will Harry react? What if we get into a fight, breakup, I'd have to stay in my quarters more, and it would just be awkward. And I'm a werewolf, you don't-"

"I will. I want to."

"Want to what?"

"I know it's only been a month. And that's barely any time, sure. But we've known each other since we were eleven, we didn't really argue back then, we even studied together a few times."


"Let's take it slow..."

With some random boost of confidence, Severus lunged forward, knocking both of them on the floor. He straddled Remus' stomach, and smirked at the man below him, who was covering his face out of embarrassment. "I... thought you said slow."

"I know. I just wanted to do that, because I knew it would make you blush." Remus squirmed a bit. "You're cute when you blush, you know."


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