Chapter Twenty Eight

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"Daddy, he's gonna be 'ere soon!!" Harry exclaimed. "Stop da tickles!! PAPPY!!"

"Oh, alright." Severus stopped tickling the child. "The tickle monster will just have to come back later then." 

"I was summoned?" Remus asked, standing in the doorway.

"Pappy! Daddy was the tickle monster 'gain!!"

Remus chuckled and lifted Harry to rest him on his hip. "He was!? Well, maybe the little tickle monster should get him!" 

Harry was about to tickle Severus when they all heard the Floo go.

"DRACO!!" Harry squealed. "Pappy, Daddy, Draco's here!!!"

Harry let Remus set him down before running to the sitting room, and sure enough, there was Draco and Lucius.

"Lucy, Draco!!"


"Hello, Harry."

Lucius and Draco greeted Harry at the same time.

"Hello, Lucius, Draco," Severus said, walking with Remus. "Harry, Draco, why don't the two of you go play in Harry's room so we can talk for a bit?"

"'Kay Daddy! Draco, I gots new stuff!"

The two ran to Harry's bedroom, leaving the adults alone.

"How is he?" Lucius asked, taking a seat. 

"He's doing good. Doesn't have nightmares very often, but he still prefers to sleep with us," Severus replied. "He's not terrified of talking to new people, which is good."

"He's still terrified we'll give him away or he'll be punished for doing something wrong," Remus spoke. 

"That's... that's awful," Lucius mumbled. "Is there any way I or Cissa could help?"

Both men shrugged. "Not sure."

"Have you consider taking him to therapy?"

"Maybe when he's older, but... not now. I know, it helps, but I don't think it would for him. He hates talking to people about that... that place. That stupid, bloody, fu-"

"Severus, they're just in the other room," Lucius warned. "Maybe try and stick with age-appropriate language?"

"Yeah, sure. Anyway, Draco's been wondering if Harry could come over to our Manor. I told him I'd talk to you about it."

When Severus didn't answer, Remus decided to. "Maybe, we'd have to talk to Harry about it. See how he feels. But... I'm not sure if he'd be comfortable with being away from us for that long. And I doubt Sev would like it much, either."


"I wouldn't like it," he grumbled. "But if he's alright with it and wanted to go, I guess I could think about it."

"Aw, Sevy, has he turned you soft and clingy?"

"Yes, he has, Lucius," Remus replied. "A huge softy-"

"Both of you are going to ruin my reputation," Severus groaned. "Aren't you late for a meeting or something?"

"Oh, I'd miss all my meetings for a chance to tease you-"

"Lucius!" Severus hissed. The blond laughed. "Okay, you can go now, we'll talk later, goodbye!" he exclaimed.

"Right, yes. Draco!"

The two boys came running into the room, giggling.

"Already getting into mischief, are we?" Lucius asked.

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