Chapter Thirteen

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"It's been two weeks, you know," Remus mumbled after Harry was put to bed. "And?"

"Look, Severus. I've apologized. I know you didn't mean to it, and I know Lily forgave you. You do, too, just... you've been so... different. When I first came here I thought you hadn't been sleeping. Now it's obvious."

"Why do you care? What happened to Slytherins being evil and all that? I thought you were only here for Harry, not me." Remus shrugged. "Regulus wasn't that bad. And neither were you. I never bullied you, did I? When we were alone I asked them about it, and it was mainly you hanging around Malfoy."

"Still. You didn't care about me then and you don't care about me now." Severus busied himself in making tea so he wouldn't have to look at Remus. "Severus-"

"You are here for one person and one person only. Harry. Harry needs you. Desperately. If he didn't, you wouldn't be here and you know that," Severus snarled. "Why are you so mad all the time?! I'm trying to be civil, I'm trying to right my wrongs, and you push me away every single time."

"You hurt me, Remus," Severus whispered. "You were the only Marauder who knew. About my father, about my mother, and you knew I wasn't bad, yet you did nothing! You might've had a measly talk with them, but they didn't change until I wouldn't talk to anyone! I was alone! And you knew it! I was being bullied and degraded, at home and at school and what did you do?! You turned the other cheek! If I was an House other than Slytherin you would have stepped in!"

"What was I supposed to do?! Lose my friends, my respect, everything I had worked for?! And no, I wouldn't've! I just wanted to get through school without anyone finding out about my problem. I didn't talk much either. You know nothing about Sirius, so shut up about him. James I can't excuse. He was a downright prat, an arrogant one, but he was my mate."

"What did Sirius go through? Wasn't good enough for mummy and daddy?"

"His childhood was similar to your own. Except his parents had magic, and he had a baby brother to protect."

Severus' face paled. "W-What do you mean...?"

"He got Gryffindor. He was a Light and his Parents knew. His parents are Blacks, what did you think happened? They were oh-so proud?! I'm not going to say he got it worse. Abuse is abuse, but it still happened to him. Him bullying and not showing weakness was how he survived. I don't know why he didn't get Slytherin. Maybe he asked for Gryffindor.

"Those were his survival instincts. You had them too. You still do. You pushed everyone away. You had a short temper. You were always waiting for someone to leave, you watched everyone, like you were expecting something. If I wasn't helping Sirius I would've helped you, but I didn't know how to help him, much less help you as well."

"Can I tell you something?" Severus asked, handing Remus a cup and sitting across from him. "Of course."

"You're right. I haven't been sleeping or eating. I've had more nightmares again. About him. Then when I wake up, I don't fall back asleep. I'm so worried about Harry, I can't sleep, my students think I'm plotting world domination and destruction because I don't pull their hair out anymore."

"Severus, I know we didn't get along, but we need to become friends for Harry's sake. Not close ones, but friends of some sort."

They both heard small footsteps, and looked towards the hallway. Harry was standing there, glasses half on, holding Lily in his still too small hands. "Daddy? Moony?"

"Come here, honey. What's wrong?" Harry climbed in Severus' lap. "I'm scared."

"Why? Did you have another nightmare?"

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