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There were twenty four hours until Harry was to go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and he was planning on making the most of it. 

"Dad, we have to leave soon!" Harry shouted from the door. "The park won't stay open forever!"

"It's open until ten p.m., Hare, I'm sure we'll be fine," Remus said. 

"Papa, they always take forever!" Harry groaned. He laid on his back on the floor, looking much like a starfish. "Uuuuuugh."

"Keep your armpits out in the open like that and I might have to tickle them," Remus threatened. "It's hard to get a baby dressed."

"You always get him dressed without any problems!"

"...Fine. Slytherins find it hard to get babies dressed. Better?"

"Much, thanks."

"I heard that, you git," Severus said as he walked to the door with Tyler in his arms. "And it was your idea for me to get him ready, remember?"

"Was not!"

"Then maybe it was Bowie, but it wasn't me," Severus replied. "You two go on out and start the car, I'll be right out." 

Harry ran out after grabbing the keys off the little hook on the wall. It was the arm of a toy he'd found and insisted on making it a hook. 

"Gonna miss him when I can't see him all the time," Remus said. "You both better come back twice a week, or I'll shave both you're heads."

"You'd only do that to me. Hare's been growing his since he was five."

"True, true. But you two wouldn't be matching anymore, now would you?"


Harry held his dog against his chest, walking next to his parents and younger brother. He looked at the pillar, highly doubting it was a secret door and fully believing it was a prank. 

"It doesn't look like it'll let me go through it..." Harry said quietly. "What if It doesn't? What if I'm not ready?"

"Harry, there's no such thing as 'ready'. You decide that for yourself. Now come on, we'll go together. Best if you run, really," Severus said, setting a hand on Harry's shoulder? "Ready?"

"Um... Okay..."

Severus did a countdown from three, and the two started running from the pillar. A minute later, they were on Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. A moment later, Remus and Harry's younger brother, Tyler, joined them. 

"We have a few minutes until you have to board," Remus said. "Should we go find-"


Draco launched himself at his friend, making sure not to hurt Bowie in the process.

"We're going to Hogwarts! We're going to HOGWARTS!!!"

"I know, I know!"

"I've found the Weasley's, they're just a bit that way. Come on!"

Remus pushed Tyler in his stroller, following Draco. Harry stayed behind, and tugged on Severus' sleeves once.

"What if... what if I need you?" Harry whispered. "I'll have classes this time. What if I need you but you can't come get me or I can't come get you?"

"Harry, every student is allowed to contact their parents no matter what, and that includes you. You are allowed to leave class if it's urgent and you need me, just like every other student, okay?" Severus said gently. "And you can always come to our quarters if you need to. Some students Floo to school and then Floo back home everyday. It just depends on the person."


Severus nodded. "If you needed to, you could Floo home every night and spend the night at home. I wouldn't be able to come, but..."

"I can if I need to?"

"Of course."

"Will you hate me if I'm in Gryffindor?" Harry asked finally. It was the question that had been on his mind for weeks now, might as well ask before the sorting than have to find out after

"Hate you!? Of course not!" Severus exclaimed. "Why would you think that?"

Harry glared at him.

"Oh, all right, I'm not the biggest fan of the House, but I will always love you. Always. If you're in Gryffindor, I'll just have to make sure to give you a little less points than Draco..."


"Only joking! Now, let's go catch up with the others. You all have to board the train now." Harry held on to Severus' hand, not caring if he felt a little babyish doing it. "The twins and Percy are going to watch after all of you, and Percy can get me, Remus, Mrs. Weasley, or Blaise' mother if any of you need us."

Harry set Bowie down, and once he did so, he went and jumped on the nearest person, seeking attention and playtime. 

"Oh, Merlin, I'm so sorry!" Harry grabbed Bowie's leash and helped the girl up. "Are you alright?"

She tied her bushy hair back in a ponytail and nodded. "Say, do you know how you... Board? Do you need a ticket or anything?" 

Harry grinned at her. "I'm Harry. And no, you don't need a ticket to get on. Do you have anyone to sit with?"

"No, I'm by myself. I'm Hermione Granger, by the way. My parents just went to the loo, but I have to board or else I'll get left behind. 

"You can sit with my group of friends. See all the gingers boarding?"


"One of them's named Ron, and there are twins named Fred and George. Just tell them I said you were going to ride with us, I'll be there in a minute."

The girl beamed and went to find the group of gingers, and from what Harry could see, she got on fine.

He wrapped his arms around Severus. "I'm going to miss you."

"It's a six hour ride, you'll be okay."

"Doing goodbyes without us, eh?" Remus asked jokingly. "You're going to miss smelling baby diapers every morning and watching him throw food at the wall."

"Food fights, yes, diapers... not so much." He hugged Remus and kissed Tyler on the forehead. "Bye, Papa."

With a final hug, he chased after his friends, Bowie behind them, and boarded the train.

Harry couldn't wait for Hogwarts. 

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