Chapter Eighteen.

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As the holiday season grew closer, so did the small family. Especially Remus and Harry. 

Harry was excited. His first real Christmas, his first real winter, was coming up, and he'd get to spend it with his family.

"So... we get to make cookies and cake and make presents?! An' have a tree!?" Harry asked excitedly. Remus was watching him at the moment, as Severus' class was making the Draught of Living Death, and if something went wrong, it could be potentially dangerous. "Of course, Hare. Why don't we make your present for Sev, huh? What d'you want to make?"

"Hmm..." Harry thought for a moment. Then, he had the perfect idea. "I know! Daddy always wears black! Let's make a pink something!" Harry exclaimed, and started giggling. Remus chuckled at the idea of Severus wearing a bubblegum pink hat or gloves. "How about we go look for a pink sweater somewhere, and I'll help you make him a bracelet?"

"Yeah! It should be bright pink! Like Drooble's!"

"Yeah? Want to go now?"

"Can we really?!"

"Sure, Hare. Just make sure you don't forget your hat like last time, okay?"


Harry ran to put on his green jacket and hat with dog ears on it. He had insisted on keeping his entire costume, but Severus drew the line at him wearing it everyday, everywhere. 

"I'm ready! Do we have to Floo?"

"Are you still afraid of it?" Harry nodded. "It makes my tummy hurt. And it's... fire..."

"Well, it can't hurt you." Harry raised his arms anyway, signaling he wanted to be held while going in the Floo. "Do you want Lily while we go?"

"I have her!" Harry said, holding his bear up as proof. "Alright, chill out. Is there anything else we need?"


"Okay. Let's go."

They quickly Floo'd to Aberforth's pub and Apparated to the Leaky Cauldron. Harry made sure to put his bangs over his scar. The last time someone had seen his scar, twenty or so people swarmed him and wouldn't leave him alone...

It didn't end well.

"Alright, Hare. See anything you like?" Remus asked as they walked through a store. "Umm... This one! It's pretty!" He reached out to a orangy-pink jumper and felt it. "It's soft!"

"Yeah? So this one is a maybe?" Harry nodded. "Well then, let's look around."

They continued to look around until Harry had three to choose from; the orangy-pink one, a hot pink, and a bubblegum pink one with a hood. "I think... Let's give this one to Sev, Pappy!" Harry said, pointing to the one with a hood. "Okay, Hare. Let's go pay, and then we can make a bracelet or something at home."

"Pappy?" the person working the front desk asked. "Yeah!"


"What? Is something wrong with that?" Remus asked as he placed the necessary money on the desk. "Nothing... Just never thought Harry Potter would have two dads..." The employee's tone said enough, infuriating the werewolf.

"Well, we'll be going now." 

Remus stormed out after he brutally grabbed the bag and carried Harry with him. "Y-Your mad..." Harry whimpered. It made Remus stop. "Not at you, at the person inside the store."


"He... He doesn't like people like me, it was clear... we'll talk about it when we get home. How about a cup of hot chocolate? Your nose is already all red."

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