Chapter Twenty Three

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I know this took a while to get out and I'm sorry but yeah here it is another chapter!!!!!!!

"Daddy, no!" Harry exclaimed. "Don't wanna!"

"Why not, Harry? You seemed to like Draco last time," Severus said. He had just told Harry that Draco would be coming over for a few hours that day, and Harry did not seem to like the idea.

"Just don't wanna! I-I just want Daddy an' Pappy!"

Severus kneeled in front of Harry. "Stop yelling. Remember? Instead of yelling, we talk," he said.

"S-Sorry... I didn'..." Harry stuttered out, fear in his voice.

"It's alright, bambi. I know you don't try to. So, why don't you want Draco to come over?"

"B-Because you wanna 'place me with Draco!" Harry cried. "Y-You don' want me!"

"Oh, Harry. Is that really what you think?" Severus asked in disbelief.

Harry nodded. "W-Why else w-would Draco come!?"

Severus moved from his kneeling position, sat in the armchair behind him, and reached down and lifted Harry from the floor to sit on his lap. He started bouncing his knee as he spoke. "I want Draco to come over so you have someone to play with. Someone your age. I could never replace you, bambi."


"No, listen. I will never replace you. It is impossible for me to replace you. I love you too much. You're my son, Harry. My bambi."

"B-But... But..."

"I promise, Hare. You are my son. I can not replace you, alright? I will never be able to replace you, and I would never want to, anyway."


Severus nodded. "I promise. Now, come here. You need a hug."

Harry rested his head against Severus' chest as the man tightly hugged him. "S-Sorry, Daddy... I-I... I don't wan' you to replace me..."

"It's okay, Harry, but I want you to listen to me, alright?" Harry nodded. "Draco is my godson. So I'm... I'm important to him, but I'm not his dad. I love him and I love you. And I will always love both of you, okay?"


"Yes, bambi. Forever and ever." Severus kissed Harry's messy black curls and started rubbing the boy's back to soothe him.


"Oh, there is no need to be sorry. I should have asked if I could invite Draco over for the day. Do you want a day with  Remus instead?"

Harry debated his options. On one hand, he could spend an entire day with Pappy! But on the other hand, he could play with Draco... who liked snakes and dragons and lions!

"Umm... I dunno..."

"Whichever one you want is okay, Harry," Severus pushed.

"I... I think Draco sounds... fun?"

"Is that a question, or your answer?"


"Alright. Draco and Narcissa should be here in about an hour. Why don't you go get dressed, and then you and Remus can read for a bit."

"Where are you going?"

"I have to teach today, Hare. But Remus will be here all day, alright?" 

Harry's lower lip quivered. "B-But... But I... You... You're leaving!?"

"No, no, not at all!" Severus exclaimed. "You can play with Draco for a bit, and then come down to my classroom, 'kay?"

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