Chapter Nineteen

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homophobia. Read carefully.

"Harry... Harry, wake up," Remus whisper shouted, slightly shaking Harry's arm. "Pappy? What's wrong?"

"I'm not sure yet, just... grab Lily and your blanket, okay?" Harry took them in arms, along with the stuffed bat that reminded him of Severus. "Pappy-"

"Come here, Harry."

He took Harry in his arms, cradling him against his chest. "It's okay... It's okay, it'll be fine..." Remus muttered, though it was more to himself than Harry. "It's okay." He rushed to the sitting room, where Severus and Dumbledore were talking.

"Daddy!" Harry screamed when he noticed Dumbledore. "Daddy, it's..."

"Yes, honey, I know who it is. He said he was sorry and he wants to help me with something-"

"Why did I have to wake up?! What's wrong?!! D-Did I do something bad!?! Are y-you sending m-me a-away?!"

"No! No, honey-"

"Remus. I would like for you to let Severus and Mr. Potter use your quarters for a bit... The goal is to say they both went to Severus' childhood home for the weekend. You will say you were aware of this and simply came to take back a book of yours, one you wished to read. I will say I wished to speak to you about one of your students, and decided to accompany you to retrieve your book. Understand?"

It was rushed, but he got the gist of what was to happen, so he nodded. "Severus. seal my quarters when you get in, alright?!"

"Daddy!" Harry shouted. "What's going on?!"

"I'll tell you in minute. First we have to go to Rem's quarters, okay? Just don't worry, we'll be fine," Severus lied. In truth, he had never been more frightened in his life. Even his father wasn't as bad as losing Harry. Nothing was.

"Say bye to Rem, Hare."

"Bye? Like forever?!" 

"No, no, just for a bit. I promise, you'll see him soon." Making a promise he might not be able to keep was dangerous, he knew that, yet he did it anyway. "Go, Severus. I guarantee you, Umbridge is going to do anything she can... Remember? She tried to rally and tag werewolves?" Remus pointed out.

"Yeah, yeah, we're going. Don't let them trash this place, Remus. Don't tell them we're whatever we are."

"But they know, that's why they're here-"

"No, all they know is that you and Harry are very close and he sees you as a father figure of sorts. I would not tell you to lie about our relationship, but if you don't they might try even harder to take... you know who, and-"

"Alright. Go."

Severus hesitated. Running from a higher-up Ministry official. Not what he thought he would've done that day... Or have to hide his son.

"Sev. Go."

There was knocking on the portrait. "Dad-"

"We have to go. You need to be quiet, okay?" Severus said, leaving no room for question. He quietly walked to Remus' portrait and inside his quarters, making sure to silently cast multiple spells and charms that would prevent anyone coming in.

"What's going on?" Harry asked in a small voice as they sat in between Remus' bed and the wall. "Harry, listen to me," he responded. "Someone wants to take you away-"

"I don' wanna go!"

"I know. I know, so I'm going to try and keep you here for as long as possible. I don't know what to do, Harry... But I won't let them take you away from me, okay?"

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