Chapter Three

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Harry clutched his stomach and put his hand over his mouth. He would not throw up. He would not throw up, he would not-

He threw up over Severus' shoulder on the hard stone ground. "I-I'm sorry, sir!" He said instantly, fearing the punishment he would get this time. "Please don't hit me, I-I'll be better!"

"Shh, Harry. It is okay, I will not hit you." Severus said in his low comforting voice. "I... you w-won't?"

"No. I am sorry you threw up. Do you still feel sick? Answer truthfully, please." Harry shook his head honestly as Severus started walking. Harry leaned into the soft fur again, feeling content at that moment. He closed his eyes just as they reached large brown doors. "Sir..."

"Call me Severus, Harry."

"Sevris...?" Harry tried, making Severus smile softly. "Sev, then." Sev. Harry liked the name, and continued speaking. "Why d-did you take me 'way?" He said timidly. "Because, you deserve to be loved and cared for." Harry did not believe him, not one bit. "No I don't. Who would love me?"

"I would. I do." Severus said without thinking. "Y-You do?!"

"Yes, yes I do." Severus stroked Harry's hair lightly as he sped down the many halls to the hospital wing, reaching it in a record time of less than five minutes. "Harry, your going to meet my friend now. She'll help you feel better, okay? I'm going to lay you on the bed-"

"No! I was good, I swear I was good, please!" Fear overtook him at once. He held Severus robes tightly as he was being put down, forcing him to keep Harry in his arms. "What's wrong, Harry. Tell me whats wrong." Severus sounded shocked and scared, a rare emotion for the potions professor. "Bed means belt. Please I was good, I-I didn't d-do anything today!!" Fat tears rolled down Harry's face, his wide green eyes full of pain in fear, it broke Severus' heart once more. "Harry, look at me."

Harry tilted his head to look Severus in the eyes. "I want you to take a big breath in for me, slowly." Harry took in a shaky breath. "Good, now hold it... Let it out slowly." The young boy complied, and looked up expecting to get hit, but was the exact opposite. "Good job. Do it again." Harry proceeded to take deep breaths for a while, until he was breathing normally again and not shaking as badly. 

"Now. Tell me why your scared. What is wrong?"

"B-bed means belt... but I was g-good today!"

"Harry, remember. I will not hurt you, ever. No one will hurt you again as long as I am alive. But, she needs to be able to help you, and she can't if you are in my arms the entire time, because I will most likely interfere with the spells." Severus explained. "But... if I-I lay down, will y-you stay here, or leave?"

"I'll be sitting right next to you. I'm not going anywhere." Harry rubbed his eyes as he thought. For some unknown reason, he trusted this man, and did not want to leave the safety of his arms. He also wanted the pain he was feeling to leave, and Sev said his friend would help, so...

"Okay... don't leave?" Harry whispered. "Never."

Sev lowered Harry on the bed, where Harry sat uncomfortably. "Poppy!" Sev yelled, and a noise was heard from the small office not too far away. the door opened, and a kind looking woman walked out wand in hand.

"Severus?! Who is that?" She whisper-screamed as she drew closer, Harry moving away from her. "Harry, Poppy. Harry Potter. I need you to run a diagnostic spell, and fix what you can."

"What happened?" She asked. "Let's just say his so called 'family' are going to pay for this." Severus stated coldly and turned to Harry. "Harry, this is Poppy. She'll help make you feel better. Can you lay down please?"

Harry nodded and laid on the bed, his hands over his eyes. You could almost sense the fear radiating off of him. "Would it be better if he was asleep, Severus?"

"Harry, would you rather be asleep or awake while she helps you. We'll wake you up right after." Harry nodded, and Poppy scurried to retrieve the necessary potion. "Sev... are you gonna send me back?"

"No. You'll stay with me for now, as long as you want."

Poppy gave Severus the potion, who tilted Harry's head up, and carefully poured the potion in Harry's mouth. When he finished, he set the potion on the nightstand and sat next to Harry. "Alright, Harry. When you wake up, you'll feel better."

But Harry was already asleep.

Sorry this sucks, i has writers block and artist block and I'm tired.

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