Chapter Four

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"Severus... Oh, Severus, this poor boy..." 

Severus took the parchment from the matron as she started healing the black haired child next to him.

Broken ankle: Healed incorrectly

Broken finger: Smallest, left hand, still healing

2nd degree burns on left ankle, right ankle, right upper thigh, left buttock, lower back, full stomach and lower chest.

Large lacerations: Left thigh, healed. Right thigh, healed. Stomach, right, healed. Left wrist, multiple, slightly healed. Right wrist, multiple, slightly healed.

The list went on for the rest of the page, and Severus felt tears form in his eyes. "Is it... can you heal it all?"

"Not today, no. For most of it, I can, but things life the burns and malnutrition will take a while. Speaking of which, considering I only really needed spells, once I give him a few potions and bandage him up, you can wake him." Poppy proceeded into giving her patient the necessary potions, and bandaging his legs and wrist'. "Poppy, were they self inflicted?" Severus said out of nowhere.

"Most, no, but I can not be for certain on the deepest ones." She said. They stayed silent for a long time while she bandaged the boy, doing so manually as not to hurt him in his slumber. 

With a wave of her wnad, Poppy was able to wake Harry in an instant. He looked around for a moment, rubbing his eyes awake. When he noticed the dark man sitting next to him, he scurried back, almost falling off the bed before Severus caught him. "Calm down, child. I am not here to hurt you." Harry pointed a finger at himself. "Your not gonna h-hurt me?"

Severus shook his head. "Do you remember me?" Harry nodded. "You're Sevvy Snape... why don't i-it hurt any m-more?"

"'Member, my friend healed you while you were sleeping. I know she could fix all of it, but you should feel better now." Harry's lower lip trembled. No one had ever helped him before, as he did not at all deserve it. Wait! Where was Lily, and his blanket?

"Oh dear, what is wrong, Harry?" Severus said, noticing that the boy was on the verge of tears. "Lily, blankie, an' I don' deserve h-help!"

"Child, I have them both. And yes, you do deserve help. Every single child in the world deserves help, no matter what happens to them." Severus handed Harry his teddy and draped the blanket around his shoulders as Harry buried his nose in the soft fur. Tears stained his cheek, and Severus felt his heart break. "Harry, would you like a hug?" He whispered. Much to his surprise Harry nodded, so he scooped the child in his arms and set him on his lap, stroking his hair and rubbing his back.

"Why don't you get some sleep, eh? You'll feel loads better in the morning." Harry shook his head. "Uncle will come and take me..."

"No he won't. It is impossible for him to come here, Harry. I'll be here when you wake." Severus pressed. "Nigh' mares."

"I have something for that."

After around five minutes, Harry finally gave in. "Okay... but what about when I wake up?" He asked. "I'll be right here, sitting next to you. And if I'm not, I'll be in that office over there." Severus grabbed the potion sitting on the nightstand and uncorked it. "This will help make sure you don't have nightmares, though sometimes it does not work. Drink."

Harry took the bottle in his hands and drank it quickly, scrunching his nose at the taste. "Eww..." He said. Severus let out a small chuckle. "Not very good, is it?" Harry shook his head, eyes growing heavy, and leaned back on the fluffy pillow. Lily in his arms, as he whispered, "Nigh'"

"Goodnight, Harry."

*                                *                                  *

Harry sat up and looked around. It was dark, completely dark, and Severus was nowhere to be seen. "Sev'rus?" He whispered. No answer. He held Lily between his thin fingers and hugged her tightly. "Sev?" Again, no answer.

So, he took the blanket and teddy and stood out of the bed. The stone floor was cold on his bare feet, but he did not care. All he new, was that no one cared for him. So now he had to find his own way in this big, scary world, with just him and his bear.

He walked the many halls, trying to find an exit. When he finally did, the only thing it lead to was a dark forest. Tears burned in his eyes. He looked behind him at the castle, and felt a pang of sadness in his heart. He thought Severus might love him, for once he could have a family, but he was wrong. So very wrong. "Bye..."

He ran towards the forest, stepping on rocks and sticks as he ran. The tears fell as he made his way into the forest, when he was engulfed in black and could not see five feet in front of him. "Mummy..." He continued to run.

When his foot caught on a dead branch, he tripped, and fell face first into the rocks and dirt. With this, he let out a wail. He cried. He cried and cried and cried, nose running, clutching his few possessions as a lifeline. He heard footsteps, and quickly turned around. A large, horse-like creature was standing above him. He screamed.

"Child, do calm down." He heard a silky voice say, and looked up. It was a lady, with nice eyes. She was holding something that had light coming from it. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "I-I had t-t-to run away... N-no one l-loves m-me, not a-anyone." Harry said, quite sure of what he was saying. No one could love him. 

"I'm sure someone loves you. What is your name?"

"H-Harry. Harry P-Potter... And n-no, no one l-loves a f-freak..." The centaur gasped. "Were you at Hogwarts?" Harry nodded. "Who were you with, Harry?"

"Sev... Sev'ris Snap."

"Severus?" Harry nodded. "B-But he l-left... h-he lied, h-he d-don' want m-me." Harry started crying again. "Sweetie, of course he wants you. If he didn't, he wouldn't of taken you with him. Aren't you cold?" Harry nodded. "How about we take you back-"

They both looked in the direction of Hogwarts, where voices were growing louder. "I think he's looking for you, Harry Potter," She said. This confused Harry. Severus had left him, why was he looking for him now? "Why?"


"Over here!" The centaur called. They heard voices, and more footsteps, and soon Severus was standing in front of them both. "Oh, Harry, thank God you're alright!" Severus exclaimed. "B-But you don' w-wan' me?" Severus looked taken aback. "Of course I want you! Why wouldn't I?"

Harry held his breath in an attempt to not cry, but failed. Large, warm tears were pouring down his face. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He cried. Severus picked him up, and Harry, due to his instincts, he fought until he felt arms rubbing his back once more. "Shh... shh..."

"Get him back to the castle, Severus. He is too young to be out here." Severus nodded and mouthed 'thank you', then turning back to walk for the castle.

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