Chapter Six.

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Harry was fast asleep on Severus' lap, his head buried in the man's robes. He snored away softly, leaving Severus to right his letter.


I have recently been made a parental figure. I need your help adopting him. If I do not adopt him soon, Dumbledore will most likely step in. The child is Harry Potter. I know you never want to hear that name again, but I desperately need help. You know I barely ask of help, and now I am.

In case you need to know why I am adopting Harry, come to my quarters as soon as possible. Let's just say his childhood was not at all pretty, and I am not going to write it on paper. 

You work with the Ministry, and are close with the Minister himself. Help the adoption get through. Because of his past, he does not trust people easily like most children do, from what I've seen. It will be utter chaos if he is forced back to his relatives, or a busy Wizarding family.


         Severus Snape.

He read over the letter multiple times, making sure it looked alright. When he deemed it 'okay', he quickly tied the letter to his owl and sent him off.

He looked down at the sleeping boy, figuring he had better get him to bed. He lifted the child and made his way to the guest room, conjuring bars on the sides so Harry would not fall off, a Muggle thing he had seen quite some time ago. With a quick spell, Harry was in silk black pajamas. Severus walked to the bed and tried to lay Harry down.

Tried, because Harry would not let go. Harry shook his head and muttered, "No...", once Severus had tried letting go and laying him down.

"Don't you want to go to bed instead?" Severus questioned the half-asleep Harry. "Stay... you."

"You want to sleep with me? Not by yourself?" Harry nodded into his shoulder. "Okay." Severus made his way to his own room, and, once again, tried to lay Harry down. "No."

"I have to get on my own pajamas, Harry. I'll be right back, I promise." Severus had learned that as long as he never lied to Harry, which he didn't, Harry would become more comfortable. "Promise?"

"Mmm-hmm. Now, let go, and I'll tuck you in. I'll be right here in five, probably less, minutes." With that, Harry slowly let go and allowed himself to be laid on the bed. Severus draped the duvet over him, and quickly changed into his own pajamas. He made his way to the small kitchen, got himself a glass of water, and brought it back to his room.

"See? Here I am." He set the glass on his nightstand and lifted the duvet so he himself could get in bed. Once he did, Harry instantly clung to him. "Sevvie."

"Hmm?" Severus pulled the duvet over them. "I don't have a-a daddy... or a mummy. I'm alone." Harry mumbled, half asleep. It broke Severus heart, which was something that seemed to be happening a lot lately. "I don' have a family."

He didn't know what to say. What he wanted to say, was that he was Harry's family now, but didn't know how Harry would react to that, even though Harry had been living with him for a few weeks, and was more open.

His birthday had gone well, Harry had tried many different sweets, ranging from candies to ice cream, and had loved the movie. For a present, Severus had fixed the tears in Harry's baby blanket, which had made him break out in tears.

"I don'... have a family."

Severus was brought out of his trance by Harry mumbling, and decided he would say it. "I'm your family now, child. You have me."

Harry's eyes opened completely. "You're my family?" Severus nodded as Harry sat criss-cross on the bed, looking at him intently. "Yes." Harry smiled and laid down again, head on Severus' chest, hands gripping Severus' pajamas. "Daddy."

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