Chapter Thirty Four

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They had just moved, and Harry decided he did not like his new room yet, opting to sleep with Remus, Severus, and every stuffed animal he had.

"Daddy's bed! Daddy's!" Harry exclaimed. "No! NO!"

"Harry, honey, what's so wrong with your bedroom? We made it for you, 'member?" Severus said gently. "You love it!"

 "The monster in the closet!!"

"What monster?"

"There's a monster in the closet!!!"

Severus looked to Remus, who shrugged. "What kind of monster, bambi?"

"I dunno! But monsters live in the closet!"

"How about we go check, hmm?"

Harry clung to Severus and made Remus go in front of the both of them as they slowly walked to his closet. Remus took the handle, turned it, opened the door, and...

There was nothing. 

"See? There's nothing to be afraid of," Remus said gently. "But if you're still scared, we can put a charm on the door so it won't open unless one of us opens it?" 

Harry seemed to like that suggestion very much as he nodded harshly. "Don' like it, Pappy..."

"It's alright." He whispered a spell after shutting the door. "There. Nothing's coming out, if there's even anything in there. It'll be okay."

The family sat on Harry's bed. "How about we try sleeping in here for one night by yourself, hmm?Just one night, we'll leave the door open, you'll have your nightlight and all of your stuffies to protect you!" Severus said. "And we're right across the hall."


"You can come for me or Daddy whenever you need to, cub," Remus chimed in. "One night?"

"Okay... But extra cuddles b'fore!?"

"As much as your little heart desires, my little bambi." Severus hugged the boy tightly, then kissed his forehead. "Whatever you want."

"Let's go cuddle in mine and Daddy's bed for a bit then, hmm? Since it's bigger?"


And that is what they did. Harry lay on Remus's stomach, Severus holding both of them. Harry was safe. He felt safe. Safe in both of their arms. 

Remus was content. With the two people he loved most.

Severus was happy. 


He found it strange, how before he met Harry, he didn't even know what the hell this so called 'happiness' was. But then a five year old gave it to him. 



"I think he's asleep."

"Obviously. Go put him in his bed."

"Why me?"

"Because he's clinging to you for dear life. Please?"

"Alright, alright. But it's your turn next time." The werewolf stood, carrying Harry in his arms, and made the short walk to his bedroom. 

"Pappy...?" the child mumbled, rubbing his eyes awake. 

"'S time for bed, cub."


"No buts. You'll be okay, I promise. Would I break a promise?" 

Harry shook his head. "Nuh-uh!"

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