Chapter Thirty Five

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"Daddy! Dray's here!"

"I noticed, bambi," Severus said, smiling, as HArry tried to pull him out of his armchair, failing and falling on his bum instead. Severus chuckled. "Let's go, bambi." The man gave Harry a piggyback ride out to the sitting room, where Draco was waiting with Lucius. 


"Hold on, Harry, you don't want to fall."

"I'll pick Draco up after dinner?"

"Yep." Severus set Harry down so he could run and hug Draco, the two excitedly mumbling about baking. "And you have the...?"

"At the Manor."


"Has no idea it's there. I have a few House Elves taking care of it for now."

"Great. I'll have Draco ready at around six, then."

"Draco- Oh, whatever, he's too excited. I'm going to go so I can finally get some quiet."

"You do that. Boys! No jumping on the couch, go jump on a bed." Harry and Draco giggled and ran to Harry's room. "Goodbye, Lucius."

"Bye, Sev."

The moment after Lucius left, Remus arrived. "Draco here yet?"

"Yes, the boys are jumping on Harry's bed. You go get them, I'll put these away."

"Does Lucius have the... You know what?"

"Yes, and Draco has no idea it exists."


Remus got the boys while Severus set up, smiling to himself. Harry's birthday would be the best day of his life. 

"Daddy, Daddy, I wanna do the eggies!!" Harry exclaimed.

"I wanna do sugar!!"

"Okay, okay! Harry, you're going to help Pappy with the wet ingredients, and Draco, you can help me. Okay? Draco, can you grab the flour?"

Harry had a great time splashing the wet ingredients together, getting a mixture of egg, milk, and other ingredients on the table. Draco got most of the flour on himself rather than in the bowl, but loved it nonetheless.

"In the oven!?" Harry asked after he and Draco took turns stirring the batter. "Baking?"

"In the oven, bambi."

Remus poured the batter into two round pans, then put them in the oven. Afterwards, he said, "How about we play a game? Uno?"

Harry shook his head. "Finger painting!!"

Draco grinned. "Yeah! Finger painting!"

Severus sighed, but got out the paints, paint shirts, and parchment nonetheless.

"Imma do a paintin' of Fulbert!" Harry exclaimed. "B'cause he my best friend."

Draco pouted. "I thought I was you're bestest f'iend..."

"...You my favorites human friend!" Harry decided.

"I guess that's okay," Draco replied. "I'mma do a painting of Daddy and Mummy!"

"Very good, boys. Would you two be alright if we stepped into the other room for a little bit? Can you behave?" The two nodded, giggling with each other. "You may each have a few pieces of candy if you don't eat the paint with it. Deal?"

"Deal, Daddy!"


"Good. Be nice to each other."

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