Chapter Nine

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Severus jolted awake and ran to Harry's room, where he was sitting up in his bed, crying, and holding on tightly to Lily and Luna (the large fox). "What happened, bambi?" Severus asked, speed walking, sitting on Harry's bed, and moving Harry to sit on his knee, holding him tightly.

"I-I-I had 'nother nigh'mare!"

"It's okay. I'm here, you're with me, okay? You're safe."

Ever since Severus had gotten the weighted blanket, he had had Harry sleep in his own room. The blanket helped greatly, and he only had four nightmares that week, including this one, leaving three nights nightmare free, rather than a nightmare the second he passed out. Of course, Severus knew the nightmares would inevitably continue, but he also knew that most nights he would be up rather late grading papers as the year continued.

"B-but it w-was Mummy again! A-and the green!" Harry wailed. He leaned into his Father's touch, tears soaking the silky black pajamas. "It's okay, Harry. I've got you." He continued to whisper to Harry, bouncing him slightly to calm him. He rubbed Harry's back after wiping his face lightly with a tissue.

"Are you going to be okay sleeping here the rest of the night, or do you want to come sleep in my room?" Severus asked after his wails turned to sniffles. He didn't receive an answer right away, until he got a small shake of the head. "I-I can stay here..."

"Do you want to, or do you think I want you to? You can always come to me, bambi." He kissed Harry's hair lightly as the boy changed his answer. "Okay." Severus looked up at the clock above the door and saw that it was almost two, meaning in four hours he had to wake up, in six he would have to wake up Harry.

"Bringing Luna and Lily?" Harry nodded, fast. "Alright bambi."

He brought Harry back to his room and laid down, letting Harry get in normal position of being curled into his side. "Goodnight, bambi," Severus said after pulling the covers over them. "Nigh', nigh' Sevvie."

It took a long time for Severus to fall asleep, as today was the day that Harry would accompany him to his potions class. He would of course rather he be in the Hospital Wing, where it was safer, and rarely visited at the beginning of the year, but knew it would not happen. Harry hated being away from Severus, even when Severus need two minutes to use the loo.

The abandonment issues were expected. After being ignored and abused, of course he feared the only family he knows being ripped away from him at any moment. Even though it was expected when he found out what had happened, it was a bit worse than he thought. Harry had almost died when Severus had to go to the Great Hall for the sorting the day prior, he had to stay with Madame Pomfrey.

He finally fell asleep at half past three, and thankfully, it was a dreamless slumber.


"Hey bambi, it's time to wake up," Severu whispered, shaking Harry slightly. He had been up for the past two hours, and everything he needed for his classes was ready, along with breakfast, which was waiting on the table.

"Mmm..." Harry hummed, hugging Lily tighter. "Harry, we have to go class today, and breakfast-" At the sound of 'breakfast, Harry sat up quickly and rubbed his eyes. "Breakfast?!"

"Yes. Go find your glasses and come meet me in the dining room, 'kay?" Harry shook his head and grabbed Severus' hand, taking him with him to retrieve his glasses, only letting go when he climbed in his seat next to Severus.

Madame Pomfrey has surprised both of them with the glasses, saying they took a while to make, but Harry should see better with them. Apparently, she ran a second test, a slightly more advanced one, and it had shown his poor vision. The only thing was Harry never complained about his vision; maybe it wasn't very bad yet, and that was why, or Harry had been too afraid to speak up.

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