||"our life is both choas and beauty interwined"

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-  the 5 times harry had to surrogate for his friends and the 1 time, he had his own baby-

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- the 5 times harry had to surrogate for his friends and the 1 time, he had his own baby-

- 17; one more push -


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5. Gemma & Michal

"it's alright—shhh"

"don't—ughh—don't t-tell me to shush, when your baby is the one—ripping me apart!" harry screams from the top of his lungs as he throws his head back into the pillow.

his lungs heaves heavily for a gasp of air as he bears down trying to rid his body of the pain. his neck veins clearly visible to the naked eye, sweat slowly dripping down his whole body as it trembling.

his hole stretched out as gemma and michal's baby begins to exit harry's petit body into the world. his hole prickles in pain as it stretches around the head of the baby as he struggles to push the baby out.

he hears louis' soft gentle voice through the fog of the pain. louis. all he wants to do is cuddle on louis' chest and fall asleep listening to his heartbeat. but instead, he's laying down with this searing, burning sensation coming every second that makes him desperate for this to be over.

"it's coming, it's coming—h-help me!" harry chokes out as the pain floods through his veins again. he bears down as his body trembling in pain. nonstop, endless pain that cover his whole lower back and stomach; making his legs feel like jelly.

comparing the four other births, this one is definitely the worse he's ever had. he could already feel himself slowly tearing as the head is welcomed into the world.

he feels the side of the nurse hand preparing for the head to pop out of him. he strains once more before he feels a pop and a brief relief as he feels his hole shrink around the neck.

through the fog, he hears a soft, "the head is out!" coming from the nurse at the end of the bed. harry lets out a heartbreaking sob as the baby forcibly turns to the side. he chokes out a heavy pant before bearing down once again.

he hears gemma complain as he squeezes her hand way too tight but he doesn't find it in himself to stop. he picks his head up from the pillow and brings it to his chest as the beginnings of the shoulders forcefully shove their way out of him.

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