|| "stay with me, that's all i need"

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-the one where harry gives birth in the elevator and liam and niall has to deliver their child-

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-the one where harry gives birth in the elevator and liam and niall has to deliver their child-

- 4; elevator music -

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"my water just-" harry moans as louis newly bought designer pant get flooded with birth fluids. harry has been in labor for the past 5 hours.

"oh my- okay, 'm started up the car. Niall and Liam grab the bag from my room and meet me in the car" louis rushes out before kissing Harry's forehead and grabbing the keys and racing out of the hotel.

harry and louis have been dating for 3 years now, they met at their x- factor factor auditions and let's just say it was love at first sight.

harry had fallen pregnant with louis' baby before their one direction world tour. louis told him that it was okay to not go and they'll just cancel it until next year.

but harry is and always will be a person pleaser and told louis that he was going on the tour and he wasn't going to cancel.

so the world tour begun, of course, there were new rules for harry such as don't jump around as much, don't get close to the edge of the stage, if harry felt pain of any sort, he will be taken out of the concert for the whole day.

the list goes on and on but harry was just happy that he didn't cancel and ruin this whole thing for him and the boys.

but as he hit nine months, their management refused to let harry to go on stage anymore because of legal reasons. of course, harry was upset and angry at management but louis was overjoyed by this news.

as much as louis loved seeing harry do what he's passionate about, he wanted harry to be safe and the stage wasn't safe at all. with all of the fires and water fights, the stage was not a place for a pregnant man to be.

harry was forced to stay at the hotel while the boys perform. while harry was happy that he finally had time to himself, the stage was his home and that's where he wanted to be.

harry would just mope around the large hotel room and either watch Netflix or eat anything he could get his hands on.

today was just a normal day for harry, the same old lame rules and not being able to perform

but when he woke up, he felt a weird feeling like his body was getting ready for somethings but he couldn't tell what.

he didn't bother any of the boys by telling them about this weird feeling because he didn't want to worry everyone before a concert.

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